if. App-118.

writings. Greek. Plural of gramma. letters, used of written characters, or of. document. For the former, see Luke 23:38; 2 Corinthians 3:7. or the letter of Scripture contrasted with its spirit (Romans 2:27; Romans 2:29; Romans 7:6; 2 Corinthians 3:6). For the latter see Luke 16:6; Luke 16:7 (where it is. debtor's account), and Acts 28:21 (where it is an ordinary letter). in John 7:15 and Acts 26:24, it is used for learning (compare Isaiah 29:11; Isaiah 29:12.Acts 4:13; Acts 4:13). In 2 Timothy 3:15 it is used for the sacred writings as. whole. Hence the Scribes were called grammateis.

words. Greek. rhema (plural) See note on Mark 9:32.

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