disciples. Not necessarily the Twelve. See note on "neighbours" (John 9:8) and Structure "M".

asked. Greek. erotao. App-135.

Master. Greek. Rabbi. App-98.

sin. App-128. The only sign (with the third; " C", p. 194)* connected with sin. See John 5:14. *[Conversion Note: The original text is shown here. Page 194 references Numbers 10:10. It's completely unclear which of his comments or Bible text the author is referring to. The author presented no Structure diagrams on page 194.]

this man. The Lord was appealed to as Rabbi to settle. much controverted point as to pre-natal sin; or another question that "there shall be neither merit nor demerit in the days of the Messiah "(Lightfoot, xii, p. 326), referring back to "My day "(John 8:56).

that. in order that. Greek. hina.

was. should be.

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