offered. brought near. Hebrew. karab. App-43.

strange fire: i.e. fire other than that Jehovah had commanded, required, and given from heaven (Leviticus 1:7; Leviticus 6:12; Leviticus 9:24; Leviticus 16:12. Compare Exodus 30:9). It was of their own kindling: so is all that is offered to God in worship today. If so, according to John 4:23; John 4:24, it is "strange fire", and deserves the same judgment! All worship that is not kindled by the Holy Spirit is "strange", and is of the flesh. Compare John 3:6 with John 6:63. It "profiteth nothing", and "God has no respect to it" (Genesis 4:4; Genesis 4:5.Hebrews 11:4; Hebrews 11:4). The incense of prayer and worship on the golden altar in the holy place was kindled by fire taken from the brazen altar in the outer court, on which atonement was made (see Leviticus 16:12; Leviticus 16:13 and Revelation 8:5): only those, therefore, whose sin is atoned for can worship. Compare the "strange incense", Exodus 30:9.

commanded them not. Negative. The introduction of anything "strange", where all is ordered by God, is abomination in His sight; and calls for, and calls down, His judgment. Thus the first recorded individual use of incense began in disobedience (Leviticus 10:1), and the last ended in unbelief (Luke 1:10; Luke 1:18; Luke 1:20).

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