HIS TWELVE DISCIPLES. Most of the texts omit "His disciples". Hence we
must render. "the Twelve". Compare Luke 9:10
POWER. Greek _dunamis._ App-172.
AUTHORITY. Greek _exousia._ See App-172.
OVER. Greek. _epi._ App-104.
DEVILS. the demons. cure. Greek. _therapeuo._ Same as "heal" Luke
9:61.... [ Continue Reading ]
PREACH. proclaim. App-121.
HEAL. Greek. _iaomai._ Not the same word as in Luke 9:1.... [ Continue Reading ]
UNTO. to. Greek. _pros._ App-104.
FOR. with. view to. Greek. _eis._ App-104.
STAVES. See note on Matthew 10:10.
SCRIP. a collecting bag (for money). See note on Matthew 10:10.... [ Continue Reading ]
YE ENTER. ye may enter. (The force of _an.)_ into. Greek. _eis._
App-104.... [ Continue Reading ]
WILL NOT. may not. (The force of _an.)_
NOT. Greek _me._ App-105. Not the same word as in verses: Luke 9:27;
Luke 9:40; Luke 9:58; Luke 9:58.
OF. from. Greek. _apo._ App-104. Not the same word as in verses: Luke
9:7; Luke 9:8; Luke 9:9; Luke 7:11.
SHAKE OFF, &c. Figure of speech _Paroemia._ App-6... [ Continue Reading ]
THROUGH THE TOWNS. village by (Greek. _kata._ App-104.) village.
PREACHING THE GOSPEL. announcing the glad tidings. App-121.... [ Continue Reading ]
HEROD, &c. See App-109.
WAS DONE. was being done "by Him".
BY. Greek. _hupo._ App-104. [L]. Tr.. WH. omit "by Him".
PERPLEXED. bewildered: i.e. seeing no way out. Greek. _diaporeo._ Used
only by Luke, here; Luke 24:4.Acts 2:12; Acts 5:24; Acts 10:17.
BECAUSE. Greek. _dia._ App-104.Luke 9:2.
OF.... [ Continue Reading ]
ELIAS. Elijah.
HAD APPEARED: i.e. in fulfilment of Malachi 4:5. App-106. Not the same
word as in Luke 9:31.... [ Continue Reading ]
OF. concerning. Greek _peri._ App-104.
DESIRED. was seeking. More than desiring.
SEE. Greek. _eidon._ App-133. Not the same word as in Luke 9:36... [ Continue Reading ]
APOSTLES. See the Twelve, Luke 9:1.
BETHSAIDA. Peculiar to Luke. See App-169. Aramaean. App-94.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEN THEY KNEW. having got to know it. App-132. Not the same word as
in verses: Luke 9:33; Luke 9:55.
HEALING. Greek. _therapeia._ Compare Luke 9:1.... [ Continue Reading ]
WEAR AWAY. decline.
LODGE. Peculiar to Luke, here. Greek. _kataluo, to_ unloose, disband,
halt, also destroy, its most frequent meaning. Compare Luke 19:7; Luke
21:6; Matthew 5:17; Mark 14:58.
VICTUALS. provisions.
IN. Greek. _en._ App-104. Not the same word as in verses: Luke 9:48;
Luke 9:49.... [ Continue Reading ]
NO. Greek. _ou._ App-105.
FISHES. except. Supply the logical _Ellipsis_ (App-6): "fishes,
[therefore we are not able to give them to eat] except we should go",
EXCEPT. unless indeed.
MEAT. food.... [ Continue Reading ]
MEN. Greek. Plural of _aner._ App-123.
TO. Greek _pros._ App-104. Not the same word as in verses: Luke 9:9;
Luke 9:16. _Conversion Note_: These numbers were listed after the Luke
9:16 verse and appear to be. misprint on page 1459 of the original
book: vv. 16, -51, 53, 56, 62.]
DOWN. recline.... [ Continue Reading ]
TO. Greek. _eis._ App-104. Not the same word as in verses: Luke 9:14;
Luke 9:40; Luke 9:52; Luke 14:62.
HEAVEN. the heaven (Singular.) See notes on Matthew 6:9; Matthew 6:10.... [ Continue Reading ]
REMAINED. was over and above. Put. comma after "them".
BASKETS. See note on Matthew 14:20.... [ Continue Reading ]
IT CAME TO PASS. See note on Luke 2:1.
AS HE WAS. in (Greek. _en._ App-104.) His praying. The fourth of seven
such recorded occasions.
PRAYING, Peculiar to Luke, here. App-134.
WHOM. Who.... [ Continue Reading ]
ANSWERING SAID. See note on Deuteronomy 1:41.
SOME. others. App-124.
OTHERS. Same as "some "above.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE CHRIST. The Messiah. App-98.... [ Continue Reading ]
STRAITLY. strictly.
CHARGED. charged (under penalty).
THAT THING. this. Thus closes the second of the four great periods of
the Lord's ministry. Enough had been said and done by Him. See
App-119.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE SON OF MAN. See App-98.
MUST. it is necessary. See Luke 24:26; Acts 3:18.
SUFFER. to suffer. This is the first mention of His
SUFFERINGS. See the Structure, and p. "L", "N", and "L", "N". Note
that these are never mentioned apart from the "glory" (verses: Luke
9:26; Luke 9:32) in either O.T.... [ Continue Reading ]
IF ANY MAN, &c. See App-118.
WILL COME. desireth (App-102.) to come.
TAKE UP. let him take up.
DAILY. Peculiar to Luke, here.... [ Continue Reading ]
WILL. desireth, or willeth (App-102.) to.
SAVE. Greek _sozo._
LIFE. soul. Greek. _psuche._ App-110.... [ Continue Reading ]
MAN. Greek. _anthropos._ App-123.
ADVANTAGED. profited.
IF HE GAIN. having gained.. mercantile word. world. Greek _kosmos._
AND LOSE HIMSELF. having destroyed himself.
BE CAST AWAY. suffer loss. Another mercantile word.... [ Continue Reading ]
SHALL BE ASHAMED OF. may (with Greek _an)_ have been ashamed of;
implying [before men].
HIM. this [one].
GLORY. Often mentioned by itself, but the sufferings never mentioned
apart from it.... [ Continue Reading ]
OF. TRUTH. Thus emphasizing the coming statement. some. some of those.
NOT. in no wise, or by no means. Greek. _ou me_ (App-105).
TASTE OF. experience [the approach of].
THEY SEE. they may possibly (Greek. _an)_ have seen.... [ Continue Reading ]
ABOUT AN EIGHT DAYS. This is _inclusive_ reckoning (including parts of
two other days), and is exactly the same as the exclusive six _days_
of Matthew 17:1 and Mark 9:2.
AFTER. Greek. _meta._ App-104.
A. the (well known).
TO PRAY. App-134. This is the fifth of seven such occasions. Peculiar
to Lu... [ Continue Reading ]
AND. And it came to pass.
AS HE PRAYED. in(Greek. _en_ App-104.) His praying.
FASHION. appearance.
WAS ALTERED. [became] different. Greek. _heteros._ App-124.
GLISTERING. effulgent, or lightening forth (as though from internal
light). The Eng. "glister" is from the Anglo-Saxo... [ Continue Reading ]
BEHOLD. Figure of speech _Asterismos_ (App-6).
TALKED. were talking.
WHICH. who. Moses. See App-149.... [ Continue Reading ]
APPEARED... AND. being seen. See App-106.
SPAKE. were speaking. Peculiar to Luke, here.
DECEASE. Greek. _exodos._ See App-149.
SHOULD. was about to.
ACCOMPLISH. His death did not merely _happen._ It was He Who Himself
accomplished it and fulfilled all the Scriptures concerning it.
Compare Luke 9... [ Continue Reading ]
WITH. Greek _sun._ App-104. Not the same word as in Luke 9:41.
HEAVY. oppressed.
WHEN THEY WERE AWAKE. on fully waking up. Greek _diagregoreo._ Occurs
only here.... [ Continue Reading ]
AS THEY DEPARTED. in (Greek. _en._ App-104.) their departing. Peculiar
to Luke, here. The verb _diachbrizomai_ Occurs only here in N.T.
MASTER. Greek. _epistates._ App-98. Used only of Christ, as having
authority. tabernacles. Compare Matthew 17:4.
KNOWING. Greek _oida._ App-132. Not the same word... [ Continue Reading ]
THERE CAME. there came to be.
OVERSHADOWED. enveloped. The word Occurs only here, Luke 1:35.Matthew
17:5.Mark 9:7; Acts 5:15.
THEM: i.e. the three, not the six, as the Apostles heard the voice
"out of "the cloud,
AS THEY ENTERED. in (Greek. _en._ App-104.) their entering.... [ Continue Reading ]
OUT OF. Greek. _ek._ App-104. Not the same word as in Luke 9:5
HEAR. hear ye.... [ Continue Reading ]
WHEN... WAS PAST, literal in (Greek. _en._ App-104.) the passing of.
KEPT IT CLOSE. were silent.
NO MAN. no one. Compound of ou. App-105.
SEEN. Greek _horao._ App-133.... [ Continue Reading ]
_ ON._Greek. en App-104.
COME DOWN. Greek. _katerchomai,_ only once outside Luke and Acts (in
James 3:15.
THE HILL. the mountain, as in Luke 9:28.... [ Continue Reading ]
MASTER. Teacher. App-98.
BESEECH. App-134.
LOOK. Greek. _epiblepo._ App-133.
UPON. _Greek. epi._ App-104.... [ Continue Reading ]
LO. Figure of speech _Asterismos._ App-6.
SPIRIT. Greek. _pneuma._ App-101:. demon; Compare Luke 9:42.
SUDDENLY. Greek _exaiphnes._ Only here, Luke 2:13.Mark 13:36; Acts
9:3; Acts 22:6, always in connection with supernatural events.
TEARETH HIM. throws him into convulsions.
THAT HE FOAMETH AGAIN... [ Continue Reading ]
HIM. it.
NOT. Greek. _ou._ App-105.... [ Continue Reading ]
FAITHLESS. unbelieving.
PERVERSE. perverted.
WITH. Greek. _pros._ App-104. Not the same word as in verses: Luke
9:9; Luke 9:32 -, Luke 9:49.
SUFFER. bear with. Compare Acts 18:14; 2 Corinthians 11:1.... [ Continue Reading ]
A COMING. coming near.
DEVIL. demon.. spirit, Luke 9:39.
THREW. dashed.
TARE. completely convulsed. Greek. _susparasso._ Occurs only here in
CHILD. Greek. _pais._ App-108. Not the same word as in Luke 9:47.... [ Continue Reading ]
AMAZED. astonished.
AT. _Greek. epi._ App-104. Not the same word as in verses: Luke 9:31;
Luke 9:61.
MIGHTY POWER. majesty. Occurs only here, Acts 19:27, and 2 Peter 1:16.
WONDERED. were wondering.
JESUS. Most of the texts omit "Jesus" here.... [ Continue Reading ]
SAYINGS. words. Plural of logos. See note on Mark 9:32. Not the same
word as in Luke 9:45.
SHALL BE. is about to be.
DELIVERED. delivered up. The second announcement of His sufferings.
See the Structure on p. 1461.... [ Continue Reading ]
UNDERSTOOD NOT. were ignorant of.
SAYING. Greek. _rhema._ Not the same word as in Luke 9:44. See note on
Mark 9:32.
HID. veiled.
PERCEIVED IT NOT. should not understand it. Not the same word as in
Luke 9:47.... [ Continue Reading ]
AMONG. Greek. _en._ App-104.
WHICH. who,
GREATEST. greater.... [ Continue Reading ]
PERCEIVING. having seen. App-133. Not the same word as in Luke 9:45.
THOUGHT. reasoning, as in Luke 9:46.
CHILD. App-108. Not the same word as in Luke 9:42.
BY. beside. Greek _para._ App-104. Not the same word as in Luke 9:7.... [ Continue Reading ]
IN. _Greek. epi._ App-104.
IS. subsists or exists. Greek. _huparcho,_ not the verb "to be". See
Philippians 1:2; Philippians 1:6 (being); Luke 3:20 (is).
LEAST. lowliest.
SHALL BE. All the texts read "is".... [ Continue Reading ]
WITH. in association with. Greek. _meta._ App-104. Not the same word
as in verses: Luke 9:9; Luke 9:32 -, Luke 9:41.... [ Continue Reading ]
AGAINST. Greek. _kata._ App-104.
US. All the texts read "you".
FOR US. on our behalf. Greek. _huper._ App-104.... [ Continue Reading ]
These verses are peculiar to Luke.
WHEN THE TIME WAS COME. in (Greek. _en._ App-104.) the fulfilling of
the days. Marking. certain stage of the Lord's ministry.
THAT HE SHOULD BE RECEIVED UP. for the receiving Him up. Greek.
_analepsis._ Occurs only here in the N.T. The kindred verb _analambano
is... [ Continue Reading ]
BEFORE. Greek. _pro._ App-104. Samaritans. Compare 2 Kings 17:26.
READY. to prepare [reception].... [ Continue Reading ]
WOULD GO. was going.... [ Continue Reading ]
LORD. App-98.
WILT. App-102.
COMMAND FIRE. should call down fire.
HEAVEN. the heaven (Singular.) See note on Matthew 6:9; Matthew 6:10.
EVEN AS ELIAS DID. as Elijah also did. See 2 Kings 1:10. Omitted by.
Trm. [A] WH.... [ Continue Reading ]
AND SAID... SAVE THEM (Luke 9:56). This clause is omitted by all the
SPIRIT. Hebrew. _pneuma._ See App-101.... [ Continue Reading ]
IS NOT COME. came not.
LIVES. souls. App-110.
ANOTHER. different. App-124.... [ Continue Reading ]
AS THEY WENT. in (Greek. _en._ App-104.) their going.
A CERTAIN MAN.. scribe (Matthew 8:19)
LORD. Om.. T Tr. [A] WI R.... [ Continue Reading ]
THE AIR. the heaven, as in Luke 9:54.
HATH NOT WHERE, &c. See note on Matthew 8:20, and compare Revelation
14:14.... [ Continue Reading ]
SUFFER ME. allow me. bury my father.. euphemism for declining an
invitation, as the Jews buried within twenty-four hoursand did not
leave the house for ten days.... [ Continue Reading ]
THEIR. their own.
PREACH. declare. Greek. _diangello._ App-121. Occurs elsewhere only in
Acts 21:26 (signify). Romans 9:17.... [ Continue Reading ]
LET. allow. Verses Luke 61:62 are peculiar to Luke.
AT HOME AT MY HOUSE. in (Greek. _eis.App-104.) my_ house, or at home.... [ Continue Reading ]
NO MAN. no one. Compound of _ou._ App-105.
HAND. Plough always held with one hand.
LOOKING. App-133.... [ Continue Reading ]