straightway. See notes on Mark 1:10; Mark 1:12.

in. Greek. epi. App-104. Not the same word as in verses: Mark 15:7; Mark 15:29; Mark 15:38, Mar 7:41, Mar 7:46.

in the morning. any time before sunrise, while yet dark, Compare Mark 1:35; Mark 16:2; Mark 16:9; John 20:1. The Lord must have been led to Pilate before our midnight, because it was "about the sixth hour" of the night when Pilate said "Behold your king "(John 19:14). It was there fore in the night, at which time it was unlawful to try. prisoner. See the Talmud, Sanhedrin,. App-4. It was also unlawful on the eve of the Sabbath, and this was the eve of the High Sabbath. See App-165. held. consultation having formed. council. See note on Matthew 12:14.

with. in association with. Greek. meta. App-104. Same as in verses: Mark 15:7; Mark 15:28; Mark 15:31. Not the same as in Mark 15:27.

and. Note the Figure of speech Polysyndeton (App-6) to emphasize the fact that it was the act of the whole council.

Jesus. App-98.

carried Him away. Matthew 27:2 has apegagon. to lead away what is alive (in contrast with pherein, which is generally used of what is inanimate). Luke has egagon = they led (Luke 23:1). Mark has apenegkun = carried, as though from faintness.

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