I say also. I also say (as well as the Father), looking back to. preceding Agent with Whom the Lord associates Himself.

thou art Peter. See App-147.

Peter. Greek. petros.. stone (loose and movable), as in John 1:42.

this. Very emphatic, as though pointing to Himself. See notes on John 2:19; John 6:58. One of three important passages where "this" stands for the speaker. See notes on John 2:19, and John 6:58.

this rock. Greek. petra. Petra is Feminine, and therefore could not refer to Peter; but, if it refers to Peter's confession, then it would agree with homologia (which is feminine), and is rendered confession in 1 Timothy 6:13, and profession in 1 Timothy 6:12.Hebrews 3:1; Hebrews 4:14; Hebrews 10:23. Compare 2 Corinthians 9:13. Whether we are to understand it (with Augustine and Jerome) as implying "thou hast said [it]" (see App-147), or "thou art Peter", most Protestants as well as these ancient "Fathers" agree that Peter's confession is the foundation to which Christ referred, and not Peter himself. He was neither the foundation nor the builder (a poor builder, Matthew 16:23) but Christ alone, Whom he had confessed (1 Corinthians 3:11). Thus ends the great subject of this second portion of the Lord's ministry. See App-119.

rock. Greek. petra.. rock (in situ) immovable: the Messiah, as being "the Son of the living God", Who is the foretold "foundation-stone" (Isaiah 28:16); and the rejected stone (Psalms 118:22).

will. shall. Therefore then future, as in Hosea 1:10; Hosea 2:23.

church. assembly. Defined as "Israel", and the "Remnant" (Romans 9:2; Romans 9:1). Not the ecclesia of the mystery (or secret) revealed in Ephesians; but that referred to in Psalms 22:22; Psalms 22:25, &c.

the gates. Put by Figure of speech Metonymy (of Adjunct), App-6, for power.

the gates of hell. the gates of Hades (= THE grave), denoting the power of the grave to retain, as in Isaiah 38:10; Job 38:17 (Septuagint) Psalms 9:13; Psalms 107:18.

hell. THE grave. Greek. Hades. See App-131.

prevail. Greek. katischuo. Occurs only here and Luke 23:23. have full strength, to another's detriment: i.e. THE grave shall not have power to retain its captives, because Christ holdeth the keys of those gates, and they shall not be strong enough to triumph (Revelation 1:18. Compare Psalms 68:20). Resurrection is the great truth asserted here. Compare Ezekiel 37:11.Acts 2:29; 1 Corinthians 15:55.Hosea 13:14.

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