when... came, &c.= having approached Him and said.

the tempter= he who was tempting Him. See App-116.

came to Him : as to our first parents, Adam and Eve, App-119.

he said. See App-116 for the two sets of three temptations, under different circumstances, with different words and expressions; and, in. different order in Matthew 4 from that in Luke 4. It is nowhere said that there were "three" or only three; as it is nowhere said that there were "three" wise men in Matthew 2.

If. Greek ei, with the indicative mood, assuming and taking it for granted as an actual fact.

" If Thou art. " App-118. Same as in Matthew 4:6, but not the same as in Matthew 4:9.

the Son of God. Compare this with Matthew 3:17, on which the question is based. See App-98.

command that. speak, in order that.

these stones: in this the fourth temptation; but in the first temptation. "this stone" (Luke 4:3).

be made. become.

bread. loaves.

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