am in. strait. am being pressed. Greek. sunecho. See Acts 7:57; Acts 18:5.

betwixt. out of. App-104. While ek occurs 857 times, it is only translated "betwixt" here, and "between" in John 3:25, where the meaning is that the question arose from John's disciples. In all other places ek is translated "of", out of", "from", &o., but in every case the context shows the idea conveyed is one of these two latter. Compare notes on Matthew 27:7; John 12:3.Acts 19:25,

two. the two, i.e. living and dying.

a desire. the desire. Greek. epithumia. Translated "lust' thirty-one times; "concupiscence" thrice, and "desire", thrice. Compare Luke 22:15; 1 Thessalonians 2:17.

to depart. for (App-104).

the return (Greek. analuo. Verb only here and Luke 12:36. the noun 2 Timothy 4:6. The verb frequently translates "return" in Apocrypha; also in class, Greek.. to unloose, as of a ship weighing anchor). far better. All the texts read "for it is very for better". Than what? Clearly, than either of the two above. Therefore it cannot mean "death": but some event by which alone Paul could be with Christ, either the calling on high (see on Philippians 3:11) or the resurrection from the dead. or being caught up alive of 1Th 4:16, 1 Thessalonians 4:17

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