Philippians 2:1

IF. App-118. CONSOLATION. Greek. _paraklesis._ See Luke 6:24. See App-134. IN. App-104. CHRIST. App-98. COMFORT. Greek. stimulating force, incentive. Greek. _paramuthion._ Only here. Compare 1 Corinthians 14:8; John 11:19, LOVE. App-135. SPIRIT. App-101. There is no article, and the whole cont... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:2

FULFIL. Complete. App-125. THAT. in order that. Greek. _hina_. BE LIKEMINDED. mind, or think the same thing. Greek. _phroneo._ OF ONE ACCORD. Greek. _sumpsuchos_. Only here. OF ONE MIND. minding (Greek. _phroneo,_ as above) the one thing.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:3

NOTHING. Greek _medeis._ THROUGH. according to. App-104. STRIFE. Greek. _eritheia_. See Philippians 1:16. VAINGLORY. Greek. _kenodoxia._ Only here. IN. by. No preposition. Dative case. LOWLINESS OF MIND. Greek. _tapeinophrosune._ See Acts 20:19. LET EACH, &c.. reckoning one another. BETTER. G... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:5

LET, &c. Literally Mind, or think, this. Greek. _phroneo,_ as in Philippians 2:2. YOU. yourselves, i, e, your hearts. ALSO, &c.. in Christ Jesus also. CHRIST JESUS. App-98.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:6

BEING. subsisting, or being essentially. Greek. _huparcho._ See Luke 9:48 FORM. the essential form, including all the qualities which can be made visible to the eye. Greek. _morphe._ Only here, Philippians 2:7, and Mark 16:12. GOD. App-98. THOUGHT. reckoned. Some word as "esteem", Philippians 2:3... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:7

MADE HIMSELF OF NO REPUTATION. emptied Himself. Greek. _kenoo._ See Romans 4:14. Of what He divested Himself is not stated, but Geo. Herbert's words, "He laid his glory by", i.e. the outward attributes of Deity, well suggest the meaning here. "It is assumed by some that when taking the form of. bond... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:8

FASHION. Greek. schema. Only here and 1 Corinthians 7:31. The noun _morphe_. Occurs thrice and is used only of the Lord; here (verses: Philippians 2:6; Philippians 2:7), and Mark 16:12, _schema_ Occurs only here and 1 Corinthians 7:31, as above. For their compounds see the Notes. HUMBLED. Greek. _t... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:9

HATH. Omit. HIGHLY EXALTED. Greek. _huperupsoo._ Only here. Compare John 12:32. GIVEN. gave. App-184. The texts read the. ABOVE. App-104.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:10

AT. in. App-104. JESUS. App-98. BOW. Greek. _kampto._ See Romans 11:4. Compare Isaiah 45:23; Romans 14:11. IN HEAVEN. Greek. _epouranios._ S. Ephesians 3:10. IN EARTH. Greek. _epigeios_. See 1 Corinthians 15:40 (terrestrial). UNDER THE EARTH. Greek. _katachthonios._ Only here. Compare Proverbs 1... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:12

BELOVED. App-135. PRESENCE. Greek. _paroesia._ This and Philippians 1:26 (coming) are the only one. of _parousia_ in the epistles written from Paul's prison at Rome. See Matthew 24:3. ABSENCE. Greek. _apousia_. Only here. WITH. App-104. FEAR AND TREMBLING. See 1 Corinthians 2:3.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:13

WORKETH. Greek. _energeo._ Not the same as "work out" (Philippians 2:12), _katergazomai_ (see Ephesians 6:13). WILL. App-102. DO. work. Greek. _energeo_. OF. App-104. GOOD PLEASURE. Greek. _eudokia_. See Romans 10:1.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:15

BE. Literally become. BLAMELESS. Greek. _amemptos._ Only here; Philippians 3:6; Luke 1:6; 1 Thessalonians 3:13.Hebrews 8:7. HARMLESS. Greek. _akeraios._ See Romans 16:19 SONS. App-108. WITHOUT REBUKE. Greek. _amometos._ Only here and 2 Peter 3:14, but the texts read _amomos_ (as Ephesians 1:4), B... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:16

HOLDING FORTHs='bible' href='290 41:25'>Isa 41:25. Cyrus. Raised up. The purpose. Isaiah 41:26. Challenge as to Prediction. Isaiah 41:29. Nothingness. OR (APP-104) REJOICING TO ME. COMPARE 2:19'>1TH 2:19; 1 THESSALONIANS 2:20. IN. App-104. IN VAIN. Greek. _eis kenon_, See Galatians 4:11.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:17

AND IF. even if (App-118) OFFERED. poured out (as. drink offering). Greek. _spendomai._ Only here and. Tim Philippians 4:6. UPON. App-101. SERVICE. App-190. FAITH. App-150.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:19

TRUST. hope. Greek. _elpizo._ SEND. App-174. SHORTLY. quickly. UNTO. to, BE, &c. Greek. _eupsucheo_. Only here, KNOW. App-132. YOUR STATE. the things concerning (App-104.) you.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:20

NO MAN. no one. Greek. _oudeis_. LIKEMINDED. of equal mind. Greek. _isopsuchos._ Only here. NATURALLY. Greek. _gnesios._ Only here. Compare Philippians 4:3; 1 Timothy 1:2.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:23

HOPE. As trust, Philippians 2:19. PRESENTLY. forthwith. SEE. Greek. _apeidon,_ used as aorist of _aphorao._ App-133. HOW... ME. the things concerning me, as verses: Php 19:20.... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:25

SUPPOSED. Same word in Philippians 2:3 (esteem) and Philippians 2:6 (thought). TO. App-104. EPAPHRODITUS, See Philippians 4:18. COMPANION IN LABOUR. Greek. _sunergos,_ fellowlabourer,. as Philippians 4:3. &c. FELLOWSOLDIER. Greek. sustratiotes. Only here and Phm. Philippians 1:2. MESSENGER. apo... [ Continue Reading ]

Philippians 2:30

FOR. App-104.Philippians 2:2. WAS. drew. NOT REGARDING. disregarding. Greek. _parabouleuomai,_ The texts read _paraboleuomai,_ to expose to danger. LIFE. App-110. TO. that (Greek. _hina)_ he might. SUPPLY. fill up. Greek. _anapleroo._ See 1 Corinthians 14:16. Compare App-125. SERVICE, App-190.... [ Continue Reading ]

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