merciful man. man of lovingkindness, or grace.

his own soul. his own self. Hebrew. nephesh. App-13. Illustrations: the Kenites (1 Samuel 15:6; Ecclesiastes 11:1); David (1 Samuel 30:11); Jonathan (2 Samuel 9:7; 2 Samuel 21:7); Job (Job 42:10. Compare Proverbs 13:2); the Centurion (Luke 7:2); Cornelius (Acts 10:4. Compare Proverbs 12:14); the Maltese (Acts 28:1).

troubleth, &c. Illustrations: Cain (Genesis 4:10); Cornelius (Acts 10:4. Compare Proverbs 12:14); the Maltese (Acts 28:1).

troubleth, &c. Illustrations: Cain (Genesis 4:10); Joseph's brethren (Genesis 37 and Genesis 42:21); Adoni-bezek (Judges 1:6; Judges 1:7); Agag (1 Samuel 15:33); Haman (Esther 9:25); Jonah (Jonah 4:1); the miser (Ecclesiastes 4:8).

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