Title.. Psalm. Hebrew mizmor. App-65.

for the sons of Korah. The eighth of eleven so ascribed. See note on Psalms 42, Title, and App-4.

LORD. Hebrew Jehovah. App-4. Thy land. Compare connection with "People" (Psalms 85:2), as in Deuteronomy 32:43. Note "our" in Psalms 85:12.

brought back the captivity. restored the fortunes, as in Psalms 126:1.Job 42:10. No reference to the Babylonian captivity, but to the restoration of David's fortunes after Absalom's revolt.

Jacob. Refers to the natural seed, and to the earthly and material standpoint. See notes on Genesis 32:28; Genesis 43:6; Genesis 45:26; Genesis 45:28.

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