without, out. Greek. exothen, meaning outside.

leave. east out. Greek. ekballo,. strong term.

is. was.

Gentiles. Greek. ethnos. Occurs twenty-three times in Rev., invariably translated "nations", except here. See App-197.

holy city. See Matthew 4:5.

tread... foot. Greek. paleo. Only here; Revelation 14:20; Revelation 19:15.Luke 10:19; Luke 21:24, where see note. All these particulars refer to an actual Temple. The church of God knows nothing of an altar here, of. naos, of. court of the Gentiles. All point to the Temple yet to he built in the holy city, i.e. Jerusalem. This Temple will be on earth (see Structure 1894).

forty and two months. 1,260 days. 3 years and. half.. specific period stated in literal language. Compare Revelation 11:3; Revelation 12:6; Revelation 12:14; Revelation 13:5.Daniel 7:25; Daniel 12:7; Luke 4:25.James 5:17.

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