Paul. Paul's name heads all his Epistles, except Hebrews.
SERVANT. Greek. _doulos._ App-190. Compare 2 Corinthians 4:5.Galatians
1:1; Galatians 1:10; Philippians 1:1; 1 Timothy 1:1; 1 Timothy 1:1.
CALLED, &C. Literally. called apostle; called at his conversion (Acts
26:17;... [ Continue Reading ]
HAD. Omit.
PROMISED AFORE. Greek. _proepangello._ Only here: _epangello_ occurs
fifteen times; always rendered "promise", save 1 Timothy 2:10; 1
Timothy 6:21 (professing).
PROPHETS. App-189.
SCRIPTURES. Greek. _graphe._ Occurs fifty-one times (sing, and plural)
Fourteen times by Paul, but only he... [ Continue Reading ]
CONCERNING. Greek. _p_ eri. App-104.
SON. Greek. _huios._ App-108.
JESUS... LORD. In the Greek these words follow after "dead" in Romans
1:4. Figure of speech _Hyperbaton._ App-6.
LORD. App-98.
WHICH WAS MADE. Who was born (Galatians 1:4; Galatians 1:4, Revised
SEED: i.e. of David's li... [ Continue Reading ]
DECLARED. marked out. Greek. _horizo._ See Acts 2:23. Compare Psalms
SON OF GOD. App-98.
WITH POWER. in (Greek. _en)_ power (Greek. _dunamis._ App-172.); i.e.
powerfully. Compare Philippians 3:10.
SPIRIT. App-101.
HOLINESS. Greek. _hagiosune._ Only here, 2Co 7:1. 1 Thessalonians
3:13. Nowhe... [ Continue Reading ]
GRACE AND APOSTLESHIP. Some see here the Figure of speech _Hendiadys_
(App-6), and read "apostolic grace".
GRACE. Greek. _charis._ App-184.
APOSTLESHIP. See Acts 1:25.
OBEDIENCE TO THE FAITH. faith-obedience.
FAITH. App-150.
AMONG. Greek. _en_. App-104.
NATIONS. Gentiles. Greek. _ethnos._ Occu... [ Continue Reading ]
THE CALLED. Compare 1 Corinthians 1:24.... [ Continue Reading ]
ALL, &C.: i.e. all God's beloved ones in Rome.
BELOVED. Greek. _agapetos._ App-135.
SAINTS. See Acts 9:13, and compare Psalms 16:3.
OUR FATHER. Compare Romans 8:15; Galatians 1:4; Galatians 1:6. and see
THE. our.
LORD. App-98. This salutation is found in all Paul's Epistles save
Hebrews... [ Continue Reading ]
THANK. See Acts 27:35.
THROUGH. Greek. _dia_. App-104.Romans 1:1. Compare John 14:6.
FOR. Greek. _huper_, as in Romans 1:5, but the texts read _peri_,
concerning (App-104.)
SPOKEN OF. Greek. _katangello._ App-121.
THROUGHOUT. Greek. _en_. App-104.
WORLD. Greek. _kosmos._ App-129.... [ Continue Reading ]
WITNESS. Greek. _martus_. only here in Romans. Compare 2 Corinthians
1:23.Philippians 1:1; Philippians 1:8. 1Th 2:5, 1 Thessalonians 2:10.
SERVE. Greek. _latreuo_. App-137 and App-190.
SPIRIT. App-101. Compare Philippians 1:3; Philippians 1:3.
THE GOSPEL OF HIS SON. This expression only here; else... [ Continue Reading ]
MAKING REQUEST. Greek. _deomai._ App-134.
IF BY ANY MEANS. Greek. _eipo_ s. App-118.
MIGHT... JOURNEY. Greek. _euodoumai._ Elsewhere, 1 Corinthians 16:2; 3
John 1:2.
WILL. Greek. _thelema_. App-102.
COME. Greek. _erchomai._ App-106.... [ Continue Reading ]
LONG. Greek. _epipothes._ Elsewhere, 1 Corinthians 5:2; 1 Corinthians
9:14.Philippians 1:1; Philippians 1:8; Philippians 2:26; 1
Thessalonians 3:6; 2 Timothy 1:4.James 4:5; 1 Peter [ Continue Reading ]
THAT IS, &C. = But this (imparting some spiritual gift) is (or means)
our being comforted by our mutual faith.
COMFORTED TOGETHER. Greek. _sumparakaleo._ Only here.
MUTUAL. in (Greek. _en)_ one another.... [ Continue Reading ]
WOULD, &C. First of six occurances: Romans 11:25. 1Co 10:1. 1
Corinthians 12:1; 2 Corinthians 1:8; 1 Thessalonians 4:13. See the
positive form, 1 Corinthians 11:3.Colossians 2:1.
WOULD. Greek. _thelo_. App-102.
HAVE YOU, &C. = that you should be ignorant. Greek. _agnoeo._ Compare
Mark 9:32. [ Continue Reading ]
THE. Omit.
GREEKS. Greek. _Hellen._ See John 7:35 with John 12:20.
BARBARIANS. See Acts 28:2; Acts 28:4.
WISE. Corresponds generally to "learned".
UNWISE. Greek. _anoetos,_ unintelligent. Such as the Pharisees
despised (John 7:49). Elsewhere, Luke 24:25.Galatians 1:3; Galatians 1 [ Continue Reading ]
AS MUCH AS IN ME IS. as for (Greek. _kata._ App-104.) me.
READY. Greek. _prothumos._ Only here. Matthew 26:41.Mark 14:38.
PREACH THE GOSPEL. Greek. _euangelizo._ App-121.
YOU, &C. = you also that are at (Greek. _en)_ Rome.... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR. This is Figure of speech _Aetiologia._ App-6.
I AM, &C: i.e.. count it my highest honour and glory to proclaim the
gospel. Figure of speech _Tapeinosis_. App-6.
ASHAMED. Greek. _epaischunomai._ Here, Romans 6:21.Mark 8:38; Luke
9:26; 2 Timothy 1:8; 2 Timothy 1:12; 2 Timothy 1:16; Hebrews 2:11;... [ Continue Reading ]
THEREIN. in (Greek. _en)_ it.
THE. Omit.
RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD. God's righteousness.
RIGHTEOUSNESS. Greek. _dikaiosune._ App-191.
REVEALED. Greek. _apokalupto._ App-106.
FROM. Greek. _ek_. App-104.
TO. Greek. _eis_. App-104. God's righteousness is revealed on the
ground of faith (faith-principle... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR. In the gospel not only is God's salvation revealed, but God's
wrath also, and both are the revelation of God's righteousness.
THE WRATH OF GOD. This expression Occurs only here, John 3:36;
Ephesians 5:6; Colossians 3:6. Compare Revelation 19:15. Referred to
many times in N.T., e.g. Romans 2:5;... [ Continue Reading ]
KNOWN. See Acts 1:19.
MANIFEST. Greek. _phaneros._ App-106.
HATH. Omit.
SHEWED. manifested. Greek. _phaneroo._ App-106.... [ Continue Reading ]
INVISIBLE. Greek. _aoratos._ Here, Colossians 1:15; Colossians 1:16; 1
Timothy 1:17; Hebrews 11:27.
CLEARLY SEEN. Greek. _katkorao._ Only here.
THINGS THAT ARE MADE. Greek. _poiema._ Only here and Ephesians 2:10.
ETERNAL. Greek. _aidios._ App-151.
GODHEAD. App-98.
SO THAT, &C. = to the end (Gre... [ Continue Reading ]
KNEW. Greek. _ginosko._ App-132.
GLORIFIED. Seep. 1511.
BUT. Emphatic.
BECAME VAIN. Greek. _mataioomai._ Only here. Compare Acts 14:15.
IMAGINATIONS. reasonings. See Matthew 15:19.
FOOLISH. Greek. _asunetos,_ as Romans 1:31.... [ Continue Reading ]
PROFESSING, &C. = saying that they were. Greek. _phasko_. See Acts
BECAME FOOLS. Literally were fooled (i.e. by their perverted mind).
Greek. _moraino_. Here, Matthew 5:13.Luke 14:34; 1 Corinthians 1:20.... [ Continue Reading ]
CHANGED. Greek. _allasso._ see Acts 6:14.
GLORY. Greek. _doxa._ See p. 1511.
UNCORRUPTIBLE. Greek. _aphthartos._ Here; 1 Corinthians 9:25; 1
Corinthians 15:52. 1Ti 1:17. 1 Peter 1:4; 1 Peter 1:23; 1 Peter 3:4.
IMAGE, &C.. likeness (Greek. _homoioma._ Here, Romans 5:14;... [ Continue Reading ]
ALSO. Omit.
GAVE THEM UP. See John 19:30.
UNCLEANNESS. Greek. _akatharsia._ Occurs ten times, always so
rendered. The cognate word _akathartes_ in Revelation 17:4 only.
Ceasing to know God (Romans 1:21) results in idolatry, and idolatry
ends in "filthiness of the flesh and spirit" (2 Corinthians 7... [ Continue Reading ]
WHO. Since they.
CHANGED. Greek. _metallasso_. only here and Romans 1:26. A stronger
word than in Romans 1:23.
THE TRUTH OF GOD INTO. LIE. the truth of God for the lie. Man
transferred his worship from God (the Truth) to the devil. Compare
John 8:44.Ephesians 4:25; 2 Thessalonians 2:9.
A LIE. the... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR THIS CAUSE. Because of (App-104.Romans 1:2; Romans 1:2) this.
VILE AFFECTIONS. passions of infamy (Greek. _atimia._ Here, Romans
9:21; 1 Corinthians 11:14; 1 Corinthians 15:43. 2Co 6:8. 2 Corinthians
11:21; 2 Timothy 2:20).
AFFECTIONS. passions, or lusts. Greek. _pathos_. Only here;... [ Continue Reading ]
ALSO THE MEN. the men also.
MEN. App-123.
LEAVING. having forsaken. App-174.
BURNED. were inflamed. Greek. _ekkaiomai._ Only here.
LUST. Greek. _orexis._ Only here.
TOWARD. App-104.
WORKING. Greek. _katergazomai._ Occurs eleven times in Romans, seven
in. Corinthians. See also James 1:3; James... [ Continue Reading ]
AND EVEN... MIND. There is. play upon two words here, not easily
expressed in Eng. "As they rejected God, God rejected them. "
DID... LIKE. Greek. _dokimazo,_ to accept after testing, to approve.
Compare Romans 2:18; Romans 12:2; Romans 14:22; 1 Corinthians 9:27.
REPROBATE. Gre... [ Continue Reading ]
FILLED. Greek. _pleroo_. App-125.
FORNICATION. The texts omit.
WICKEDNESS Greek. _poneria._ App-128.
MALICIOUSNESS. Greek. _kakia_. App-128.
ENVY. jealousy. Greek. _phthonos._ Compare Matthew 27:18.
MURDER. Greek. _phonos._ Note the _Paronomasia, phthonos, phonos._
App-6. See Acts 9:1.
DEBATE.... [ Continue Reading ]
BACKBITERS. evil speakers (not necessarily behind the back). Greek.
_katalalos._ Only here. Compare 2 Corinthians 12:20; 1 Peter 2:1.
HATERS OF GOD. hateful to God. Greek. _theostuges._ Only here.
DESPITEFUL. insolent. Greek. _hubristes._ Only here and 1 Timothy
PROUD. Greek. _huperephanos.... [ Continue Reading ]
WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING. Greek. _asunetos._ See Romans 1:21. Note the
_Paronomasia_ with next word. App-6.
COVENANTBREAKERS. Greek. _asunthetos._ Only here.
WITHOUT NATURAL AFFECTION. Greek. _astorgos._ Only here and 2 Timothy
IMPLACABLE. The texts omit.
UNMERCIFUL. pitiless. Greek. _aneleemo... [ Continue Reading ]
KNOWING. Greek. _epiginosko._ App-132.
JUDGMENT. righteous sentence. Greek. _dikaioma._ App-177.
COMMIT. practise.
HAVE PLEASURE IN. consent also to. See Acts 8:1.
DO. Same as "commit", above. This list of heathen iniquities is the
Figure of speech _Synathroesmos._ App-6.... [ Continue Reading ]