Who. Since they.

changed. Greek. metallasso. only here and Romans 1:26. A stronger word than in Romans 1:23.

the truth of God into. lie. the truth of God for the lie. Man transferred his worship from God (the Truth) to the devil. Compare John 8:44.Ephesians 4:25; 2 Thessalonians 2:9.

a lie. the lie. Greek. to pseudos. Compare 2 Thessalonians 2:11. The He is that Satan is man's benefactor and is to be worshipped.

worshipped. Greek. sebazomai. App-137. Only here.

served. Greek. latreuo. App-137 and App-190.

creature. the things created; not only sun, moon, stars, men, the animate creation, but Satan himself, the arch-enemy, who by means of his "lie" (Genesis 3:4; Genesis 3:5) transferred the worship of man from the Creator to himself, the creature.

more than. Greek. para. App-104.

blessed. Greek. eulogetos. Compare Romans 9:5.Mark 14:61. (The) Blessed One. Not. statement of doctrine, but. well-known Hebraism of praise to God as Creator.

for ever. App-151. a.

Amen. See Matthew 5:18; John 1:51, and p. 1511.

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