Song of Solomon 8:1
DESPISED. reproached.... [ Continue Reading ]
DESPISED. reproached.... [ Continue Reading ]
WOULD LEAD THEE. would fain lead thee thence [in triumph]. WHO WOULD. thou wouldest, or she would. SPICED WINE. the aromatic [wine]. Hebrew. _rekah._... [ Continue Reading ]
HIS LEFT HAND. [Let] his left hand [be].... [ Continue Reading ]
I CHARGE YOU. I have adjured you. In this last charge the addition is not "by the roes", &c. And we have _mah_ instead of. _im_. Why incite, &c. YOU. See note on Song of Solomon 2:7. STIR NOT UP... AWAKE. See note on Song of Solomon 2:7, and Compare Song of Solomon 3:5. LOVE. Hebrew. _'ahabah_ (f... [ Continue Reading ]
WHO IS THIS? The companions of the shepherd are the speakers. I RAISED THEE UP: i.e.. awakened [love] in thy heart: i.e.. won thy heart. See note on "love", Song of Solomon 2:7. UNDER THE APPLE TREE. under the orange tree. The place of the birth of their love. The orange-blossom is everywhere, now... [ Continue Reading ]
SET. Oh place. SEAL. signet, regarded as good as. signature. Now that writing is more common it has become an ornament. It was worn round the neck (Genesis 38:18; Genesis 38:25), or worn on the right hand (Jeremiah 22:24). Compare also Haggai 2:2; Haggai 2:3. CRUEL. inexorable, hard. AS THE GRAVE... [ Continue Reading ]
CANNOT QUENCH: i.e. earthly things cannot destroy that which is divine. A MAN. Hebrew. _'ish._ App-14.... [ Continue Reading ]
WE HAVE. One of the brothers now speaks. WE HAVE. LITTLE SISTER. Our sister is still young. SHE HATH NO BREASTS. The idiom for not yet marriageable. This is what the brothers had once said in earlier days. The reference here is "not obscure" when we note who the speakers are, and when they said th... [ Continue Reading ]
IF SHE BE. WALL. Spoken by another brother: i.e. like. wall that keeps out all intruders. PALACE. turret, or battlement. A DOOR: i.e. accessible to any one. BOARDS. planks, or panels.... [ Continue Reading ]
I AM. WALL. The Shulamite thus replies:. stand firm against all the blandishments of Solomon.. am not. door admitting any one. HIS EYES: i.e. her shepherd lover's, or the brother's who last spoke (not Solomon's. Solomon is mentioned in the next verse).... [ Continue Reading ]
SOLOMON. The Shulamite, in demanding her reward, gives her reasons. BAAL-HAMON. Not yet identified. KEEPERS. husbandmen: i.e. tenants.... [ Continue Reading ]
IS BEFORE ME. is my own. THOU. Apostrophising the absent Solomon whom she had left. MUST HAVE. Instead of these words supply "[mayst keep his] thousand". THOSE THAT KEEP, &C.. the keepers [may keep] their twohundreds.... [ Continue Reading ]
THOU THAT DWELLEST. Oh thou that dwellest. Spoken by the shepherd. DWELLEST IN THE GARDENS. No longer in "the city" of Song of Solomon 5:7, but now abidest permanently. Hebrew. _yashab._ THE COMPANIONS. my companions (who were the speakers of Song of Solomon 8:5). HEARKEN. are listening. ME, &C.... [ Continue Reading ]
MAKE HASTE, &C. The Shulamite lets him hear it; and, before all, announces and avows him as her beloved, bidding him always to hasten to her like. gazelle. UPON. [that turneth itself about] upon: or that boundeth over the mountains of spices (Song of Solomon 4:6), _"Besamim. "_ (= spices); and no l... [ Continue Reading ]