Were for the outward business— That is, the business without the city of Jerusalem, which consisted in their being assessors with the ordinary judges. By the business of the Lord, in the next verse, is meant such causes as might be judged by the divine law; by the service of the king, such causes as were not determined by the law, but were left to the judgment of the king. See Bertram de Rep. Jud.

REFLECTIONS.—1st, The porters seem to have been divided into the same number of courses as the rest of their brethren, each posted at their several gates by lot. They are spoken of as mighty men, strong and able, such as their post required, to keep constant guard, that no profane intruder might be admitted, nor the sacred house violated. The family of Obed-edom were employed in this office. He was blessed with a numerous family, and none more deserving of keeping the charge of the temple, than he who had so cheerfully entertained, and diligently waited on, the ark at his own house. They who have been faithful in lesser services, deserve to be preferred. Simri, one of the sons of Hosah, was chief, his elder brother being, probably by bodily indisposition, incapacitated for the service.

2nd, In the house of God there were great stores for the daily use and service of the altar, vestments, utensils, &c. and also great treasures, either offerings of the people, or things which had been dedicated to God by Samuel, David, Saul, Abner, and Joab, chiefly of the spoil won in war. Over these Ahijah at first presided; but afterwards they were under the care of different persons. Note; (1.) When God increases our stores with providential blessings, he is entitled to a part at least of the wealth that he bestows. (2.) There are in the church of Christ greater treasures, not indeed of silver and gold, for his kingdom is not of this world; but more valuable and durable treasures, of spiritual wisdom and divine grace; and not, like these, locked up, but freely dispensed to every faithful worshipper; and yet there still remains enough and to spare.

3rdly, The service at Jerusalem was well provided for: now the business of the country is alike taken care of. The Levites had the administration of justice, with the princes and elders of the several tribes, who may be supposed not so well skilled in the law, and in need of their assistance. All matters relating to God's worship also, and the king's revenue, came under their care. In the remote tribes beyond Jordan, the greatest number was stationed, where they would be most in danger; but by their presence might be preserved faithful in the service of God, and loyal to their sovereign. These regulations employed the last year of David, whose usefulness ended only with his life. Note; (1.) While life endures, there is always something to be done for God. (2.) They are likely to be a happy people, who are taught to fear God and honour the king.

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