Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, and the power, and the glory, &c.— The Talmudists paraphrase this and the next verse as follows: "Thine, O Lord, is the greatness, for thou createdst the world; and the power, for thou broughtest our fathers out of Egypt, and carriedst them through the Red Sea, and revealedst thyself in glory upon mount Sinai, to give the law to thy people; and obtainedst victory over Amalek, Sihon, Og, and the Canaanites, and madest the sun and the moon to stand still by the majesty of thy Spirit, till thy people were avenged of their enemies; For all things both in heaven and in earth are the work of thy hands; thou supportest and rulest all things, and thou art exalted above all the angels in heaven, as well as all the kings upon earth. The riches of the wealthy, and the glory of kings and dominions, are given them by thee: thou rulest over all; and they rule by thy power; for thou art able to multiply and strengthen all things." See Bishop Patrick, and Callimachus's hymn to Jupiter, ver. 125 in the translation.

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