Rejoiceth not in iniquity— This is the 10th character of love, that it rejoiceth not in iniquity—common as it is even for those to do so who bear the name of Christ. The true Christian, however, is so far from this, that he laments over either the sin or folly of an enemy; takes no pleasure in hearing or repeating it; but rather desires that it may be forgotten for ever. Nay, 11thly, He rejoiceth in the truth, wherever it is found; in the truth which is after godliness, bringing forth its proper fruit, holiness of heart and conversation. He rejoices to find, that even those who differ from or oppose him, whether with regard to opinions, or some points of practice, are nevertheless lovers of God, and in other respects irreproachable. He is glad to hear good of them, and to speak all the good he can of them consistently with truth and justice. Indeed, good in general is his glory and joy, wherever diffused through the race of mankind. As a citizen of the world, he claims a share in the happiness of all the inhabitants of it. Because he is a man, he is not unconcerned in the welfare of any man; but enjoys whatever brings glory to God, and promotes peace and good-will among men.

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