We know that we have passed from death, &c.— This is said even of the best men; which implies, by a strong consequence, that they are, as it were, born in the land and territories of death; or that the gospel finds them in such a condition, as to be liable to condemnation and destruction; to the execution of a capital sentence. Oblique expressions of this sort speak such truths as these, in a manner peculiarly convincing and affecting. Here is a third reason assigned for loving the Christian brethren; namely, that a cordial love of genuine complacency to all Christians was a sure mark or evidence, that they were quickened from the death of sin to a life of righteousness, and entitled to immortal life. See John 13:35. It is added, he that loveth not his brother, abideth in death. Though he had been baptized, and visibly taken into the church, yet he was not a true Christian; and therefore no more translated into the kingdom and favour of God's dear Son, than a Heathen: but if he continued impenitently in that want of love to the brethren, he would be as much exposed to the second death, or the punishment of the future state, as the unbelieving and wicked world. This may be justly looked upon as a fourth reason for their loving the Christian brethren; namely, that without such love their Christianity was v

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