Arise, I pray thee, and disguise thyself— Jeroboam most probably sent his wife to consult the prophet at Shiloh, because this was a secret not to be intrusted with any body else; a secret which, had it been divulged, might have endangered his whole government; because, if once his subjects came to understand that he himself had no confidence in the calves which he had set up, but, in any matter of importance, had recourse to true worshippers of God, it is not to be imagined what an inducement this would have been for them to forsake these senseless idols, and to return to the worship of the God of Israel, whom they had imprudently forsaken. The queen then was the only person in whom he could have confidence. As a mother, he knew that she would be diligent in her inquiry; and as a wife, faithful in her report; but there were sundry reasons why he might desire her to disguise herself: for though Shiloh lay within the confines of Ephraim, yet there is sufficient ground to think, that it was subject to the house of David, and belonged to the kingdom of Judah. It was certainly nearer Jerusalem than Shechem, which Rehoboam had lately fortified, and made his place of residence: and therefore Jeroboam thought it not safe to venture his queen in a place under his rival's government, without her putting on some disguise. He knew too, that the prophet Ahijah was much offended with him for the great idolatry he had introduced; and therefore he might think, that if the prophet perceived her to be his wife, he would either tell her nothing, or make things, much worse than they were. The way therefore to come at the truth, was, as he thought, to do what he did: but herein appears his infatuation, that he should not think the person whom he held capable of resolving him in the fate of his son, able to see through this guile and disguise.

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