Went out, and fell upon him— The reader is desired to recur to the defence of David's charge relating to Joab and Shimei, as given above. It is there asserted, that the charge was different, as it respected each of them. This difference is farther evident from the different manner in which Solomon treated them. If the charge had been the same in respect to Shimei, as it was as to Joab, what should have prevented Solomon from immediately executing Shimei as well as Joab? But this Solomon, in his wisdom, knew that he could not do; for David told him, that he had pardoned Shimei to prevent his execution; because his offence was personal, and David had a right to forgive it. But he had never pardoned Joab, nor in justice could do it, because he was deserving of death for repeated murders, by the laws of God and man. Solomon, therefore, acted wisely and justly in reference to Shimei by sparing him, but honourably confining him, that he might have the proper security for his future good behaviour. Shimei, sensible of the king's kindness, tells him, 1 Kings 2:38. The saying is good, &c. And when, upon breaking his oath, he was sent for by Solomon, the king reproached him with his perjury, in acting contrary to the condition of life which he himself had owned to be just and equitable, and for the wickedness which his heart was privy to, in his conduct to his father David; the mercy which had been shewed him in the pardon of that offence aggravating his fresh crime in violating his oath, and in transgressing the king's command; a crime which shewed that he was of a restless spirit, and incapable of being restrained within due bounds by the most solemn oaths, or any sense of interest, gratitude, or duty whatsoever. Solomon adds, 1 Kings 2:44. The Lord shall return thy wickedness, &c. plainly intimating, that Solomon now cut him off, as an act of prudence and justice to a restless implacable enemy to his person and government, and saw it necessary for establishing the throne of David before the Lord. Note; (1.) Perjury is a crime for which the avenging God will visit. (2.) The heart is privy to much more wickedness than ever appeared without. (3.) God knoweth the secrets of the heart, and will call men to account for their secret sins. (4.) The execution of the wicked is the establishment of the king's throne. (5.) When the Lord Jesus Christ shall arise to judgment, he will remember the hard speeches which ungodly sinners have spoken against himself, his cause, and people, and their own tongues shall fall on them to their eternal ruin.

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