For even hereunto were ye called— That is, "You were called to suffer for righteousness' sake, when ye became the disciples of Jesus." See Matthew 5:10; Matthew 5:48; Matthew 16:24; Matthew 16:28. Because Christ also suffered for us; that is, for us Christians in general, Jews or Gentiles, bond or free. It is observable, that upon the mention of the name of Christ, the apostle falls into anoble and animated digression to the end of the chapter; afterwards he continues to pursue his exhortation to relative duties. The word 'Υπογραμμον, rendered example, signifies "the exact model of any curious or regular work;" here it signifies that exact pattern of holiness which Christ hath set his disciples, that they may copy after it. The example of our Lord is recommended John 13:15. Philippians 2:5. 1 John 2:6. But in what are we to imitate him? Not in all his actions; not in walking upon the water, commanding the winds and waves, miraculouslycuring all manner of diseases, or raising the dead; no, nor in making new laws for his Church, drawing up new doctrines or new articles of faith, or laying down new rules of worship, new terms of ministerial or Christian communion, or precepts concerning practice. This seems to be the clue whereby we may be led to distinguish between what is imitable in the example of Christ, and what is not so: namely, "What the rules of Christianity, of Scripture and right reason have made our duty, in such things the example of our Lord ought to excite us to the practice thereof." For the example of Christ alone has not made any thing our duty, which is not so upon some other account; or, in other words, his example is not so properly a rule of duty, as an alluring motive to the practice of what is our duty. Piety, benevolence, and self-government are the three grand branches of our duty; and in all these we ought to set our Lord's pattern before us, and copy after it. And in no particular have we more occasion for such an example, than in a patient suffering for righteousness' sake; the virtue here particularly recommended. The phrase that you might tread in his steps, is a very strong and lively figure, to denote how closely and carefully Christians should imitate the example of their Lord. See Romans 4:12. 2 Corinthians 12:18.

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