Then Samuel took a vial of oil, and poured it upon his head— It appears from the last verse of the preceding chapter, that Samuel did this in the open field. Anointing was, from the earliest times, made use of at the inauguration of kings, as well as of priests. See Judges 9:8. The kiss which Samuel gave Saul was in token of subjection and reverence to him. See Genesis 41:40. The reason why Samuel foretels to Saul the several particulars in the subsequent verses, is to convince him of his prophetic spirit, and, consequently, of the truth of what he had advanced concerning the kingdom. Houbigant, after the LXX, adds what follows to this verse, which, whether it be genuine Scripture or not, will at least tend to explain it: Then Samuel, having taken a phial, poured oil upon his head, and kissed him, saying, Behold, the Lord hath anointed thee prince over his inheritance: thou shalt rule over the people of the Lord: thou shalt deliver them from their enemies which are round about. 1 Samuel 10:2. But this shall be a sign unto thee, that the Lord hath anointed thee prince over his inheritance: when thou shalt depart from me to-day, thou shalt find, &c.

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