The sword of Goliath— It was the custom among the pagans to consecrate in their temples the spoils of their enemies; but it does not appear from the face of the history, that this sword of Goliath's had been consecrated as a religious trophy; and it might be left with Ahimelech to be forthcoming upon occasion: and that it was so, seems probable; for if it had been dedicated as a trophy, it would have been placed, trophy-like, in some conspicuous point of view; whereas this sword was wrapped up in a cloth, and put behind the ephod; i.e. among the sacerdotal vestments; of which the ephod being the chief, it is here mentioned for all the rest. See Doughty's Analect. Exerc. 83.

REFLECTIONS.—1. David, being thus distressed, and little expecting relief if he told the truth, is tempted to give a lying answer; the consequences of which he lived to lament, as the occasion of the murder of many innocent persons; so dangerous is every deviation from the truth. He pretends to be on a business of importance which required secrecy; says, that he has appointed his servants to meet him, and desires Ahimelech to give him a supply of provisions for himself and them. Note; Let no man be too secure, or self-confident; he knows not what temptations are before him, or how little able he is to resist.

2. He wanted a sword as well as bread, pretending the haste of the king's business, but, in truth, it was his own danger which hurried him away unarmed; he therefore desires Ahimelech to furnish him with one. But in a priest's house no such was found: only he tells him the sword of Goliath, wrapped up behind the ephod, was there. In David's eye, there is none like it; it appeared happily ominous to be possessed of that, and a confirmation of his faith, that all his enemies should be made, like Goliath, to fall before him: thus armed, therefore, he departs. Note; God often comforts his people in their distresses with such providential incidents as are suited to support their faith.

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