But of the times and the seasons, &c.— "I have told you that the solemn day of universal judgment will certainly come; and have been endeavouring to lead your minds to those views of it which must be most reviving to every true believer: but concerning the particular times and seasons of this grand event, with which the oeconomy of Providence in this world is to close, and respecting some very wonderful occurrences which are to precede it, I am satisfied, my brethren, that you have no need of my writing to you largely. For you yourselves do already assuredly know, that wherever we come we make it one of our first doctrines, that the great day of the Lord, to which our eyes and hearts are so much directed, comes just like a thief in the night, and will surprise the inhabitants of the world in general by a dreadful alarm, when they are sleeping in the deepest security."

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