_Anno Domini 58._
BECAUSE it is the duty of ministers to reprove such of their people as
err, and because the success of reproof, in a gr... [ Continue Reading ]
HONOUR WIDOWS— To _honour_ here, signifies not only to _respect_ but
_maintain,_ as is evident from the context from 1 Timothy 5:17 and
other passages of Scripture: "Respect and maintain the _widows,_ who
are (what that word imports) really χηρας, that is, _bereaved_
and desolate.... [ Continue Reading ]
NEPHEWS,— Or, _grand-children._... [ Continue Reading ]
NIGHT AND DAY.— That is, _continually;_ morning and evening, and on
every proper occasion, whether by night or by day.... [ Continue Reading ]
BUT SHE THAT LIVETH IN PLEASURE— The Jews had a common saying among
them, "that wicked men, while they live, are to be reckoned among the
dead." The Pythagoreans built empty tombs for those who had revolted
from philosophy; and it was reckoned a beautiful thought in
Pythagoras, and other ancient hea... [ Continue Reading ]
THAT THEY MAY BE BLAMELESS.— Some would refer this to the _widows;_
but the gender of the word ανεπιληπτοι, rather favours our
referring it either to the deacons, or to Timothy's hearers in
general; since it is certain that widows were not the only persons
who, in so luxurious a city as Ephesus, wer... [ Continue Reading ]
FOR HIS OWN, &C.— That is, "for his own relations, and his own
domestics;—those of his own family." _Denying the faith,_ is here,
according to St. Paul, leading a wicked life, or living and acting
contrary to the moral law, which is adopted in the Christian law.
Suppose the man of whom the apostle i... [ Continue Reading ]
BE TAKEN INTO THE NUMBER,— _Be put upon the list,_ is the precise
signification of the word καταλεγεσθω. Surely none can
imagine that the apostle meant to confine the charity of the church to
widows of such an age, and who had all these characters. We must
therefore conclude, that he speaks of those... [ Continue Reading ]
IF SHE HAVE WASHED THE SAINTS' FEET,— It was an usual piece of
civility, as well as a great refreshment in the Eastern countries, to
wash a person's feet, or to take care that it should be done for him.
See Genesis 18:4; Genesis 19:2.Luke 7:38; Luke 7:44. John 5:14.... [ Continue Reading ]
Καταστρηνιασωσι, is a strong expression, which cannot
be exactly rendered into English. When these widows grew negligent of
their proper duty, sensual affections might prevail upon them; and
their credit among _Christians_ being hurt by su... [ Continue Reading ]
HAVING DAMNATION, &C.— _Condemnation,_ which, without repentance,
must end in eternal damnation, because they violate, and thereby
destroy that living faith, which always produces purity of heart.... [ Continue Reading ]
AND WITHAL—TO BE IDLE, &C.— _And moreover, being idle, they get a
habit of rambling from house to house; and are not only idle, but
triflers,_ φλυαροι :—a word derived from the verb
φλυειν, which signifies the noise made by water, when it is
ready to boil over; and therefore well expresses the inwar... [ Continue Reading ]
LET THE ELDERS, &C.— The apostle proceeds to give directions
concerning _elders,_ and that under three heads: _First,_ with respect
to the provision which the church was to make for them, especially for
the diligent among them. _Secondly,_ with respect to Timothy's
reproving them, which was not to b... [ Continue Reading ]
THE LABOURER IS WORTHY OF HIS REWARD.— This passage occurs no where
in the New Testament, except here and Luke 10:7. St. Luke was the
companion of St. Paul, and wrote his gospel, not only under the
inspiration of the Holy Spirit, but, as it were, under the inspection
of that apostle; insomuch that s... [ Continue Reading ]
THEM THAT SIN, REBUKE— This was also according to the custom of the
synagogue.... [ Continue Reading ]
AND THE ELECT ANGELS,— That is, "Those _angels,_ who having kept
their stations, when so many of their fellows were seduced by Satan,
are now confirmed in a state of immutable felicity, and shall attend
our common Lord to the awful judgment of the great day.... [ Continue Reading ]
LAY HANDS SUDDENLY ON NO MAN,— _"Suddenly and rashly,_ before his
character and qualifications have been fully examined, and thoroughly
approv... [ Continue Reading ]
DRINK NO LONGER WATER— One cannot forbear reflecting here, how very
temperate Timothy must have been, to need an advice of this kind,
which amounts to no more than mingling a little wine with his water:
and what is said of his many infirmities, compared with the apostle's
exhortation to him to be in... [ Continue Reading ]
SOME—ARE OPEN BEFORE-HAND, &C.— _Are notorious, going before to
judgment; and some men follow after._
_INFERENCES.—_With what respect should the aged, whether men or
women, and with what affability and purity should younger people, be
cautioned against every sinful practice and avoidable infirmity!... [ Continue Reading ]