He set the Levites—with cymbals, &c.— Moses, in the service of the tabernacle, did not appoint the use of any musical instruments; he only caused some trumpets to be made, which upon solemn occasions were to be sounded at the time when the burnt-offerings and peace-offerings were upon the altar, Numbers 10:10. But David, by the advice of the prophets Gad and Nathan, introduced several kinds of music into the service of the temple, as a thing well calculated to inspire people with religious affections. And it is further observable from this place, that the institution of music in religious assemblies is not a matter of human invention, but was ordained by God, and has the sanction and authority of his prophets to confirm it; for so was the commandment of the Lord by his prophets. It is said in the 30th verse, that they sung with the words of David, and of Asaph the seer. As David was both a great poet and master of music, he might therefore modulate and compose his own hymns: but whether the music of them might not be altered or improved in after-ages (because the words only are here taken notice of) is a matter of uncertainty. The Asaph here mentioned was the person who lived in David's days, so famous for his skill in music, and for several devout pieces which we now find in the book of Psalms. See Patrick and Calmet.

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