Ye are our epistle, &c.— "I may well say, that you are yourselves our epistle, the best recommendation from God himself; his testimonial, as it were, written upon your hearts, in the glorious change by our means produced there: and the effects of it are so apparent in your lives, that I may say ye are known and read by all men, who know what you once were, and now are." Many copies, however, read, our hearts; but the Apostle seems to mean, that the change produced, not only in their external conduct, but in their inward temper, was so great, that all who could judge of it by intimate knowledge (and it is certain that some judgment may be formed,) must own it a great attestation to his ministry;—and in this view we may read your hearts. The enormities into which they were once plunged, (see 1 Corinthians 6:11; 1 Corinthians 6:20.) would much illustrate this argument. See the next verse: and see the introduction, or preface, to this chapter, for another view of the subject.

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