Elisha the prophet—telleth, &c.— It is not to be doubted but that Naaman, upon his return from Samaria, spread the fame of Elisha so much in the court of Syria, that some of the great men there might have the curiosity to make a further inquiry concerning him; and being informed by several of his miraculous works, they might thence conclude that he could tell the greatest secrets, as well as perform the wonders related of him, and that therefore in all probability he was the person who gave the king of Israel intelligence of all the schemes which had been contrived to ensnare him.

REFLECTIONS.—We have here,

1. A new invasion of Israel: on what occasion is not said. Note; The enemies of God's Israel will not suffer them long to rest in peace.

2. Elisha, by his prophetic spirit, acquainted the king of Israel with all the ambuscades and motions of the Syrians, by which they were constantly disappointed in their designs. Note; (1.) God knows how to frustrate the wisest counsels of the crafty against his church and people. (2.) When God by his prophets gives us warning, it is our wisdom to hear and prepare for the day of evil; lest, if we continue secure in our sins, death surprise us, and we perish through our folly.

3. The king of Syria suspected a traitor in his council; but one of his servants wisely apprises him of the discoverer of his secrets; Elisha's spirit visited his most retired chamber. Note; There is no place hid from the searching eye of God; even the secrets of all hearts to him are naked and open.

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