And so it fell out unto him— The unbelieving lord suffers the doom denounced upon him. He was appointed to command at the gate which led to the camp, in order to prevent tumults; but the people were so eager to get to the spoil, and satisfy their hunger, that they paid no regard to authority; but, each man pressing forward, the crowd was so great, that whilst he interposed to keep order, he was trodden to death in the gate. Note; (1.) The wicked favourites of bad kings have often fallen the victims of popular rage. (2.) God's threatenings shall be as assuredly fulfilled as his promises. He who hath said, He that believeth shall be saved, hath as unalterably determined, that Whoso believeth not, shall be damned. (3.)

Human greatness or glory is no protection from the arm of the holy God. The greatest men are worms of dust before him: he treads on princes as mortar, and brings contempt on all the honourable of the earth.

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