Athaliah, the daughter of Omri— Houbigant reads it, The daughter of Ahab, the son of Omri.

REFLECTIONS.—1st, We have here,

1. An account of the wicked reign of Jehoram king of Judah, who, during his father's life, was associated with him to govern. Utterly unlike the good Jehoshaphat, he cleaved to the sins of the house of Ahab; and having taken his daughter to wife, she poisoned his heart with her idolatries. Note; (1.) Good men, to their grief, have often very wicked children. (2.) A wicked wife is among the greatest of God's plagues. (3.) Nothing can be so dangerous to young men as bad connections. Much more easily will they imbibe the principles and practices of a wicked Ahab, than of a pious Jehoshaphat.

2nd, Ahaziah succeeded his father, and walked, like him, in the wicked ways of Ahab's family. What else could be expected from the son of Jezebel's daughter, and the example of a father so abandoned? At the request of Joram his uncle, he went to battle with him to Ramoth-gilead, where Joram was wounded, and, having taken the place, was carried to Jezreel to be healed. Thither Ahaziah went to visit him, and met, as we shall find, the death he deserved. Note; (1.) When the sinner's body is wounded, how solicitous is he to be healed, whilst the more dangerous wounds of his soul, neglected, stink and are corrupt through his foolishness! (2.) Friendship with the wicked is the path of death.

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