There looked out—two or three eunuchs— According to the custom of the eastern nations, the business of this sort of people was to attend upon queens in their chambers. By their great fidelity and obsequiousness they generally gained the esteem, and were admitted to the confidence of those whom they served; and so, very often into places of great trust and profit. It is remarkable, however, of Jezebel's eunuchs, that they were far from being faithful to her. Some of the Jewish doctors look upon Jezebel's as a punishment according to the Lex talionis; for, as she had done, so she suffered. She had caused Naboth to be stoned, and she is now condemned to be stoned herself: for there were two ways of stoning, either by throwing stones at malefactors till they were knocked down and killed, or by throwing them down upon the stones from a high place, and so dashing them to pieces. See Patrick and Calmet. The words, he trod her under foot, at the close of the 33rd verse, Houbigant renders they, that is, the horses trod her under foot.

REFLECTIONS.—Long had this hateful monster of a woman, big with mischief, dispensed her baleful influence around, defying God, and tempted by long impunity to think that she should ever reign as a queen, and see no sorrow. But vengeance, though slow, is sure.

1. Her pride and insolence endured to the last. Unhumbled under the scourge now fallen upon her house, and decked with paint and jewels, she would still act the queen, and from her window dares insult the conquering Jehu. Note; (1.) When God in just judgment gives up the sinner to his hardened heart, then he rushes on ruin as the horse into the battle. (2.) A painted face is the devil's mask. Like Jezebel, whom such imitate, their pride will have a fall. (3.) They who would act with zeal for God, will be often insulted and threatened; but, like Jehu, they will not be intimidated.

2. Jehu, mocking her impotent rage, calls out hastily, Who is on my side? who? and some eunuchs appearing at the summons, he bids them throw her down, which out of fear of Jehu they instantly complied with, and her blood besmeared the walls of the palace, and was sprinkled on Jehu's horses, as he drove over her corpse. Note; (1.) There is no standing neuter between Christ and Belial. If we are on the Lord's side, we must appear for him. (2.) Wickedness and wretchedness are inseparable. Though for a time the sinner lifts his head high, it will be laid shortly low in the dust, and still lower in hell.

3. Having taken possession of the palace, and refreshed himself after his march, in respect for her royal descent, Jehu designs Jezebel a grave, forgetting the denunciation pronounced upon her; but God had fulfilled his own word. The dogs had devoured her carcase, and only a few scattered fragments remained; of which when Jehu was informed, he reflected on the word of Elijah, and admired its awful accomplishment. She who alive was so imperious, cruel, and arrogant, is devoured as carrion, and denied even a grave. Note; (1.) Whether we intend it or not, the word of the Lord will have its exact accomplishment. (2.) Not only the corpse, but the very memory of the wicked shall rot. (3.) Let Jezebel's fate be a warning against her sins.

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