But the day of the Lord will come— The last great day of general judgment will come, when it is least of all expected. See Matthew 24:43. The passing away of the heavens, here means the same as by their being dissolved by fire, 2 Peter 3:12. The word 'Ροιζηδον signifies, with a very loud and terrible noise; with a sound resembling that of a great storm. In this place it more particularly denotes the horrid crackling noise of a wide-spreading fire. The plain interpretation of the next clause is, "As the old heavens and earth were destroyed by water, so the present heavens and earth, and even the elements, the first principles or constituent parts of them, shall be destroyed by fire: that dreadfully spreading fire will carry all before it:all the works of God upon earth; all the works of man also, shall be involved in one common heap of ruin."

——The cloud-capp'd towers, the gorgeous palaces, The solemn temples, the great globe itself. Yea, all which it inherit, shall dissolve; And, like the baseless fabrick of a vision, Leave not a rack behind.

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