The Lord is not slack concerning his promise— He may be called slow or slack, who has it in his power, and yet does not perform a thing at the proper time; but that cannot be said of God, who is perfectly wise, true, powerful, and good. The apostle, by some men, refers to the scoffers mentioned 2 Peter 3:3. To us-ward, means, "To us mortal men in general." It is expressed here both negatively and positively, and in the most general terms concerning mankind, that God is not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance; and we may depend upon it that God is sincere and in earnest: he does not tantalize poor, helpless, miserable man; he has no secret will contrary to, and incontinent with his revealed will; but is a God of truth, and detesteth all falsehood and insincerity. See Ezekiel 18:23; Ezekiel 18:32; Ezekiel 33:11. 1 Timothy 2:4, St. Peter shews us in this verse, that the delay of the final judgment is designed for the general good; and implies no backwardness in God to accomplish what he has promised, nor any uncertainty as to that grand event. See Romans 2:4. And hence it appears evidently, that God hath not absolutely decreed the damnation of any man; but men, by their own folly and wickedness, bring upon themselves misery and destruction.

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