I will yet be more vile—and—base— The words נקלתי nekalloti, and שׁפל shapal, which, we render vile and base, by no means convey the ideas which those English words convey. The first is twice rendered in our version by despised; Genesis 16:4. The almost constant sense of the latter is humble; and the passage before us should be rendered, And I will be more despicable than this, and humble in mine own eyes. David's reply is severe, but just, and suited to the nature of Michal's reproach: "Have I descended beneath the dignity of my character, as king of Israel, by divesting myself of my royal robes, and, by dancing, acted like one of the vain people? It was before the Lord, who chose me before thy father, &c. And I will play (viz. on my musical instruments) before the Lord, And if this be to make myself cheap or contemptible, I will be more so; and whatever may be my condition as a king, I will always be humble in the judgment I form of myself: and as for those maid-servants, of whom thou speakest, I shall be honoured amongst them: the meanest of the people will respect me more for my popularity, when they see me condescend to share in their sacred mirth." And in this he acted as a wise and politic, as well as a religious prince. See Leland's Script. Vind. vol. 1: p. 289.

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