Therefore Michal, the daughter of Saul, had no child, &c.— Either neglected from henceforth by David, or, as is more probable, immediately punished by God himself, Michal had no children from this time till the day of her death; or rather, as the Jews say, with whom Bishop Patrick agrees, she never had any children. See the note on chap. 2 Samuel 21:8 and Pfeiffer's Dubia Vexata.

REFLECTIONS.—1. The exercises of religion often provoke the contempt of carnal minds. Having no senses exercised to relish holy joys, they despise them. 2. It is no new thing for the enemies of God's people to charge them with lewdness, and to reproach their assemblies as indecent. 3. Ridicule, not reason, is the weapon chiefly employed by the enemies of truth. 4. We must not be laughed out of a religious profession, nor be ashamed of it; but the more we are opposed, or insulted, the more resolutely must we persevere. 5. If God knows our hearts to be upright before him, the censures of others may well lie light upon us. 6. We can never sufficiently humble ourselves before a holy God; in whose presence the greatest king is no better than sinful dust and ashes.

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