On all manner of instruments made of fir-wood— In the Hebrew, on all fir-wood. In the parallel place, 1 Chronicles 13:8 it is, with all their might, and with singing, which is in all respects the preferable reading: for the word עצי atzei, translated fir-wood, is not used for musical instruments; and besides, it is not probable that all the musical instruments were made of the same species of wood, whether fir, or cypress as some translate.

REFLECTIONS.—Long had the ark lain neglected in the house of Abinadab: we find but once mention made of consulting God before it during all Saul's reign; but David knew the value of that sacred treasure, and therefore prepared to remove it to a place more suited to its reception.

1. He speaks highly of the ark, from its relation to God, whose presence made it glorious, and who was pleased to dwell between the cherubims. Note; (1.) It is God's presence in all ordinances that makes them glorious. (2.) They who have high thoughts of God, will reverence all his holy institutions.

2. He makes great preparations to attend it with a magnificent retinue, in solemn pomp and holy joy. Thirty thousand men, the flower of his army, to guard it; the prime nobility, elders, and great men, out of all the tribes, and instruments of music of all kinds, himself leading the sacred band; and accounting himself honoured, though a king, in this employment of praise and humble attendance before the God of Israel. Note; (1.) The greatest kings need not think it any disparagement to their dignity, to join with the meanest Israelite before that God who regardeth not the persons of the rich more than of the poor. (2.) Sacred psalmody always revives, whenever God revives a spirit of religion.

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