Nathan said to the king, Go, do all that is in thine heart— Nathan answered as a prudent man, not as a prophet; for the prophets did not know all events, but such only as God thought fit to reveal to them. Nathan, however, had great reason for what he said; for he knew the regard which the Lord had shewn to David, and thence might well conclude, that he would approve this pious design; besides, as David was himself a prophet, Nathan might well presume that this intention was suggested to him from God.

REFLECTIONS.—David is now at rest from all his enemies, enjoying in peace that kingdom which he so well deserved: yet is not his comfort complete while the ark of God dwells under curtains. Therefore,

1. He purposes to build a house meet for its reception. He could not look upon his own house of cedar without a secret reproach. He resolves, therefore, to improve the calm that he enjoyed in so grateful a service to the God who had done such great things for him. Note; A gracious soul is ever seeking to testify its gratitude, and happy to be employed for the glory of God.

2. David consults with Nathan the prophet about the matter: and as the piety of the design was evident, Nathan hesitates not to encourage him to proceed in the good purposes which were in his heart; but as they consulted not God in the matter, his will appeared different, though the good intention was accepted. Note; (1.) We ought to strengthen their hands, who have it at heart to build up the church of Christ. (2.) If the Lord be with us, then the desire of our heart will be to please him.

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