Remember ye not, &c.— The apostle thought it a part of his duty, as he made it a part of his preaching and doctrine, to forewarn his new converts of the grand apostacy that would infest the church, even while he was at Thessalonica. From these verses it appears, that the man of sin was not then revealed: His time was not yet come, or the season of his manifestation. The mystery of iniquity was indeed already working;—the seeds of corruption were sown; but they were not grown up to maturity. The man of sin was yet hardly conceived in the womb; it must be some time before he could be brought forth. There was some obstacle that hindered his appearing: what this was, we cannot determine with absolute certainty at so great a distance of time; but, if we may rely upon the concurrent testimony of the fathers, it was the Roman empire. Most probably it was somewhat relating to the higher powers, because the apostle observes such caution: he mentioned it in discourse, but would not commit it to writing. See 2 Thessalonians 2:15. Tertullian says, (Apolog. p. 31.) "We Christians are under a particular necessity of praying for the emperors, and for the continued state of the empire; because we know that that dreadful power which hangs over the whole world, and the conclusion of the age which threatens the most horrible evils, is retarded by the continuance of the time appointed for the Roman empire. This is what we would not experience. And, while we pray that it may be deferred, we hereby shew our good will to the perpetuity of the Roman state."

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