Nevertheless, the foundation, &c.— The word עיקר, oiker, which originally signifies a foundation, has sometimes been applied by the Hebrews to an article of faith; sometimes to a covenant, bill of contract, bond or obligation. St. Paul has more than once used Greek words in the same latitude with the Hebrew, as he seems to have done here. Indeed Grotius, who took the word θεμελιος for "the foundation of a building," interprets it, "the seal of all inscription upon the foundation stone," and refers to Zechariah 3:9; Zechariah 4:10. Upon which Archbishop Tillotson has very justly observed, that in the words of this text the apostle declares to us the terms of the covenant between God and man; for the word θεμελιος, which is here translated foundation, according to the usual signification, is likewise (as learned men have observed) sometimes used for an instrument of contract, whereby two parties obliged themselves mutually to each other: and this notion of the word agrees very well with what follows, concerning the seal affixed to it, which is very suitable to a covenant, but not at all to a foundation. It is true, indeed, as Grotius has observed, there used antiently to be inscriptions on foundation stones; and the word σφραγις, which we render a seal,—may likewise signify an inscription;—and then the sense will be very current, thus: The foundation of God standeth sure, having this inscription. But it is to be considered, that, though the word σφραγις may signify an inscription, yet it is only an inscription upon a seal; which has no relation to a foundation, but is very proper to a covenant, or mutual obligation; and accordingly, the seal affixed to this instrument or covenant between God and man, is, in allusion to the custom of those countries, said to have an inscription on both sides; on GOD's part there is this impress or inscription, The Lord knoweth them that are his; that is, "God will own and rewardthose that are faithful to him:" and on our part,—Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity. See 1 Timothy 6:19. Numbers 16:5.

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