St. Paul exhorteth Timothy to do his duty with all care and diligence: he certifieth him of the nearness of his death; willeth him to come speedily unto him, and to bring Marcus with him, and certain things which he wrote for; warneth him to beware of Alexander the smith; informeth him what had befallen at his first answering; and soon after concludeth.

Anno Domini 67.

Having in the preceding chapter explained to Timothy the duties of his office as an evangelist, the apostle now solemnly charged him in the presence of God and the Lord Jesus Christ, who is to judge the living and the dead at his second coming, to be diligentandfaithfulinallthedutiesofhisministry,bypreachingtruedoctrine,confuting gainsayers, rebuking sinners, and exhorting both the teachers and the people under his care, to behave properly in every respect, 2 Timothy 4:1.—because the time was approaching in which the people would not endure wholesome doctrine; but having itching ears which required to be tickled with the elegancies of language, would for that purpose multiply to themselves teachers, 2 Timothy 4:3.—and would listen to fables, loathing the solid doctrine of the gospel, 2 Timothy 4:4.—Next, he exhorted Timothy to watch at all times to oppose the entrance of false doctrine and corrupt practices, without being intimidated by the evils to which he might expose himself by his fidelity;and to do the work of an evangelist in such a manner as to shew himself an approved minister of Christ, 2 Timothy 4:5.—Then he told him, that he was thus earnest in his exhortations to him, because the time of his departure was very near, 2 Timothy 4:6.—and because he himself had combated the good combat, had finished the race, and had all along preserved the faith pure, 2 Timothy 4:7.—and was to be rewarded as a conqueror in the good combat, with a crown of righteousness by Christ the righteous Judge of the world; so that if Timothy proved equally courageous and faithful in discharging the duties of his ministry, he might also, through the rich and free grace of God, expect the same reward from Christ, who will bestow a crown of righteousness on all who, living in humility and obedience, long for his appearing to judge the world, 2 Timothy 4:8.

In the remaining part of the chapter, the apostle gave Timothy a particular account of his own affairs, and of the behaviour both of his friends and enemies, 2 Timothy 4:9 then desired him to salute Prisca and Aquila, and the family of Onesiphorus, 2 Timothy 4:19.—And because he had left Erastus at Corinth, and Trophimus at Miletus, and almost all his assistants had fled from the city, he begged him to come to Rome before winter. Then he gave him the salutations of Eubulus, Pudens, Linus, and Claudia, Christians of singular eminence, and the salutations of all the brethren in Rome with whom he was allowed to have any intercourse, 2 Timothy 4:20.—and concluded with giving him, and the brethren at Ephesus, his apostolical benediction, 2 Timothy 4:22.

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