Coke's Commentary on the Holy Bible
Acts 10:48
Baptized in the name of the Lord.— That is, the Lord Jesus. As these devout Gentiles had before believed in God the Father, and could not nowbut believe in the Holy Ghost under whose powerful influence they were at this very time, there was the less need of taking notice that they were baptized into the belief and profession of the sacred three, though doubtless the ordinance was administered in that very form which Christ himself had prescribed. St. Peter possibly might choose to make use of the ministry of his brethren in performing this rite, rather than do it with his own hands, that by this means the expression of their consent might be the more explicit. After all these things had happened, the new converts desired St. Peter to tarry with them some days longer; and, as willing further to assist, instruct, and comfort them, he readily consented; and most probably the gospel in consequence gained much ground in Caesarea. It is observable, that the gospel made its way first through the metropolitan cities: it first prevailed in Jerusalem and Caesarea; afterwards, in Philippi, Athens, Corinth, Ephesus, and Rome itself. Mr. Moyle supposes, that there were several idolatrous rites required at that time of the Roman soldiers, entirely inconsistent with the profession of Christianity; and that therefore Cornelius must have quitted the army upon his becoming a Christian. But he was no idolater when St. Peter went to preach to him; and the scripture is entirely silent about his continuing in the army, or leaving it, on his taking up the profession of Christianity.
Inferences.—We have now entered on a series of the history in which we ourselves are intimately concerned: we now are viewing the first fruits of the Gentiles gathered into the church; and let us behold the scene with gratitude and delight. Most amiable and exemplary is the character of Cornelius, who, though exposed to all the temptations of a military life, maintained not only his virtue but his piety too. He feared God, and he wrought righteousness; and daily presented before God prayers and alms, which added a beauty and acceptance to each other: and he was also an example of domestic, as well as of personal religion; as if he had been trained up under the discipline of that heroic general and prince, who so publicly and so resolutely declared before an assembled nation, even on the supposition of their general apostacy, As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15.
To him God was pleased to send the gospel; and the manner in which he sent it, is highly worthy of our remark. An angel appeared, not himself to preach it, but to introduce the apostle to whom that work was assigned.—With what holy complacency of soul did Cornelius hear, by a messenger from heaven, that his prayers and alms were come up for an acceptable memorial before God! They, whose prayers and alms are proportionably affectionate and sincere, may consider it as a testimony borne to the gracious manner in which an impartial and immutable God regards and accepts them through the infinite and alone merit of his own eternal Son.
St. Peter retires for secret prayer in the middle of the day, choosing a convenient place; and in that retirement the vision of the Lord meets him—a vision mysterious indeed in its first appearances, but gradually opened by divine Providence; the process of which renders many things plain, which at first seemed dark and unaccountable.
This vision declared to him in effect the abolition of the Mosaic ceremonial law: and we see here with pleasure, that strict as his observation of it had been from his very infancy, he was not now disobedient to the heavenly vision, but freely received the uncircumcised, and freely went to be a guest to one who was so. Thus let us always preserve an openness and impartiality of mind; and in proportion to the degree in which we are willing to know the truth, we shall find that the truth will make us free. John 8:32.
Nevertheless, as it was an affair about which some difficulties might arise, and some censures may even in the way of duty be incurred, he takes some of the brethren with him, that their concurrence in what he did, might be a farther justification of his conduct to those who were not perhaps sufficiently aware of the divine direction under which he was. How agreeable a mixture of prudence and humility! Let it teach us on all proper occasions to express at once a becoming deference to our brethren, and a prudent caution in our own best intended actions, that even our good may not be evil spoken of, when it lies in our power to prevent it. Romans 14:16.
Nor is there any room to wonder, that a man of Cornelius's benevolent character should be solicitous to bring his kindred and friends into the way of that divine instruction, which he hoped himself to receive from the revelation now opening upon him. What nobler or more rational office can friendship perform! and how deficient is every thing that would assume such a name, which does not extend itself to a care for men's highest and everlasting interests.
It must, no doubt, be some prejudice in favour of St. Peter on the minds of these strangers, to see that he declined that profound homage which good Cornelius, in a rapture of humble devotion, was perhaps something too ready to pay him. The ministers of Christ never appear more truly great, than when they arrogate least to themselves, and, without challenging undue respect, with all simplicity of soul, as fellow-creatures and as fellow-sinners, are ready to impart the gospel of Jesus, in such a manner as to shew that they honour him above all, and have learned of him to honour all men.
That humble subjection of soul to the divine authority which Cornelius, in the name of the assembly, expressed, is such as we should always bring along with us to the house of the Lord: and happy is that minister, who, when he enters the sanctuary, finds his people all present before God, to hear the things which God shall give him in charge to speak to them, and heartily disposed to acquiesce in whatever he shall say, so far as it shall be supported by those sacred oracles by which doctrines and men are to be tried.
Well might St. Peter apprehend so evident a truth as that which he here professes, that God is no respecter of persons, but every where accepteth those that fear him, and express that reverence by working righteousness: Let us rejoice in this thought; and while we take care to shew that this is our own character, let us pay an impartial regard to it wherever we see it in others, still cultivating that wisdom from above which is without partiality, as well as without hypocrisy. James 3:17.
We also know that important word which God sent to Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ, the Lord of all. May we know it to saving purposes, and believing in him receive the remission of our sins in his name! May we shew ourselves the genuine disciples of this divine Master, by learning of him, according to our ability, to go about doing good, sowing, as universally as may be, the seeds of holiness and happiness wherever we come! And then, should the treatment which we meet with be such as our Lord found, should we be despised and reproached, should we be persecuted and at length slain, he who raised up Christ from the dead, will in due time also raise up us; having suffered, we shall reign with him, (2 Timothy 2:12,) and share that triumph in which he shall appear as the appointed Judge both of the quick and dead.
Let us not esteem it any objection against his divine mission, that he did not humour the wantonness of men so far, as to appear in person to all the people after his resurrection; it is abundantly enough that he appeared to such a number of chosen witnesses, who were thus enabled to evidence the truth of their testimony by the demonstration of the Spirit and power. 1 Corinthians 2:4. Of this what passed with regard to these converts, when the Holy Spirit fell upon them and they spake with tongues, is an instance worthy of being had in everlasting remembrance: Let us rejoice in this anointing of the first fruits of the Gentiles, by which their adoption into the Christian family of God was so illustriously declared; and let us be ready, after the example of St. Peter, whatever preconceived prejudices it may oppose, to receive all whom the Lord hath received, from whatever state his grace has called them, and cordially to own them as brethren whom our heavenly Father himself does not disdain to number among his children.
REFLECTIONS.—1st, The gospel had for about seven years been preached to Jews only, and the apostles as yet seem not to be fully apprized of the extent of their commission. But now a door of faith is opened to the Gentiles, and St. Peter is first sent expressly to preach the gospel to them. We have an account,
1. Of Cornelius, the first-fruits of the Gentiles to the gospel of Christ. He was a centurion, captain over a hundred soldiers, belonging to the regiment, or band called the Italian, in garrison at Caesarea; and though arms were his profession, he was singularly devout, having abandoned the idolatry in which he was bred, and become a proselyte of righteousness, worshipping and fearing God with all his house, who were influenced by his pious example; a man of distinguished liberality, who gave much alms to the people, Jews or Gentiles, that appeared truly necessitous; and prayed to God alway, and particularly observing the Jewish stated hours of prayer, and much engaged in private with his Maker. Note; (1.) It is no disparagement to a soldier to be found upon his knees: the soldier who truly fears God, will be most ready to fight and die for his country. (2.) Where the master of a family fears God, we may be assured his house will be a house of prayer. (3.) Charity is the inseparable attendant on a gracious character; whilst a niggard's hand and heart prove the total absence of vital godliness.
2. An angel appears to Cornelius as he is at prayer. Affrighted with this celestial visitant, the centurion with deepest reverence desires to know the purport of his coming, fearing lest he brought some message of evil. But the angel soon quieted his fears, and said unto him, Thy prayers and thine alms are come up for a memorial before God; are graciously accepted as the genuine fruits of thy faith and love, according to the measure of light which thou hast received. And now send men to Joppa, and call for one Simon, whose surname is Peter; he lodgeth with one Simon a tanner, whose house is by the sea-side; he shall tell thee what thou oughtest to do. Cornelius seems already to have been a proselyte, and to have been living in the faith of the promised Messiah according to the prophesies, but as yet he had not heard him preached as actually become incarnate. However, to put an honour on the gospel ministry, the angel gives him no farther information, but refers him to the divinely-appointed ministers of the word.
3. No sooner was the angel departed, than immediately Cornelius called two of his household servants, and a devout soldier of them that waited on him continually, who being truly religious, like his master, was always kept near his person. To these he related his extraordinary vision, and ordered them to proceed early in the morning to Joppa, and, telling Peter the occasion, to desire he would return with them to Caesarea. Note; They who are truly godly themselves, delight to have those near them as servants, who are par-takers of the same grace.
2nd, The servants of Cornelius departing early in quest of St. Peter, the Lord prepares him to give them a welcome reception. He, like his countrymen, was still prejudiced against the Gentiles, and thought that all familiar communication with them was unlawful: the Lord therefore is pleased, in a marvellous way, to overrule these prepossessions.
1. A vision appeared to him when he went up to the top of the house to pray, where he might be most retired, just before the servants of Cornelius arrived. It was noon, and while he was thus devoutly engaged, he became very hungry, and would have eaten; but while they made ready some refreshment for him, he fell into a trance; a supernatural extacy came upon him; and, to shew him the mystery of the calling of the Gentiles into the Christian church, a people whom he had been used to regard as unclean, he saw heaven opened, in token of some farther revelation of God's will now about to be made to him; and a certain vessel descending unto him, as it had been a great sheet knit at the four corners, and let down to the earth, wherein, suitably to his present hungry situation, there were all manner of four-footed beasts of the earth, and wild beasts, and creeping things, and fowls of the air; and there came a voice to him, saying, Rise, Peter; kill and eat, without distinction of clean or unclean. Peter, though hungry, objected to the proposal, Not so, Lord: he could not think of transgressing the ceremonial law; for, says he, I have never eaten any thing that is common or unclean. The voice a second time addressed him, saying, What God hath cleansed, that call not thou common. He who first commanded a distinction of meats, had a right to abrogate it again if he pleased; and as he had taken the Jews for his peculiar people, he might also bring the Gentiles to share the blessings of the same gracious covenant: and as this was now his purpose, Peter might safely eat whatever was set before him, and go and converse with, and preach to the Gentiles without fear of pollution. This was done thrice, to shew the certainty of the vision, and engage his attention to it; and the vessel was received up again into heaven.
2. The vision soon receives an explication. St. Peter was now seriously considering, but at a loss to know what this vision meant; and just then the men whom Cornelius had sent, were at the door inquiring for him. The Spirit therefore gives him an intimation what messengers waited for him below; and, though they were Gentiles, bid him go with them, doubting nothing of the unlawfulness of being in their company, for they were divinely sent by his orders. Note; While we are in simplicity desiring in our difficulties to know God's will, he will by some gracious intimations direct us aright.
3rdly, St. Peter, having received full satisfaction, went down without delay to the messengers.
1. Having told them that he was the person whom they sought, he desired to be informed of the cause of their coming: and they said, Cornelius the centurion, a just man, eminent for his probity and integrity among men, and one that feareth God, though a Gentile, a worshipper of the God of Israel, and of good report among all the nation of the Jews, who respect his amiable and exemplary character, was warned from God by an holy angel, to send for thee into his house, and to hear words of thee concerning the things that make for his everlasting peace.
2. St. Peter hereupon courteously received and lodged the messengers that night, and on the morrow went away with them for Caesarea, accompanied by certain brethren from Joppa, who might desire to be present at this interview, or more probably went at Peter's request, that they might be witnesses for him, if at any time he should be blamed by his Jewish brethren for visiting a Gentile family. Note; (1.) It becomes ministers and all Christians to be hospitable. (2.) When there is danger that our conduct may be censured, or our conversation misrepresented, it is prudent to have witnesses for what passes, to whom we can appeal.
3. The second day, in the afternoon, St. Peter and the messengers entered Cesarea, where Cornelius with eager expectation waited his arrival, having called his kinsmen and near friends to share with him the blessing of Peter's discourse. Note; The greatest kindness we can shew our friends, is to invite them to partake with us of our spiritual mercies, and to join in our religious exercises.
4. Cornelius received the apostle with deepest reverence and respect, and paid him excessive honour; he fell at his feet, as he entered the house, and worshipped him, prostrate before him, as if he had been the mightiest potentate. But the apostle, too humble and modest to accept such profound admiration, took him up, would not suffer him to stay in that posture, saying, Stand up, I myself also am a man, a poor mortal, of like passions with thyself, though honoured with this office of apostleship. And thereupon familiarly conversing with him, he entered into the house, where a number of persons were assembled, desirous to hear Peter's words, and affording him a larger field of usefulness than he might have expected. Note; It is a great encouragement to speak, where we meet a large and attentive audience.
5. St. Peter inquires the cause wherefore Cornelius sent for him, saying to him and the company, Ye know that it is unlawful, and looked upon as an abominable thing, for one that is a Jew, as I am, to keep company with, or come unto one of another nation in any way of familiar intercourse. But, though I long thought so, God hath of late shewed me, that I should not call any man common or unclean, on account of his being of a different nation. Obedient therefore to the admonition of God, came I unto you without gainsaying, as soon as I was sent for; perfectly persuaded of his will in this matter. I ask therefore for what intent ye have sent for me? that I may be able suitably to improve the present opportunity, to God's glory, and for your good.
6. Cornelius relates the late occurrences, which occasioned the present meeting. Four days ago I was fasting until this hour, and at the ninth hour I prayed in my house, when the evening sacrifice was offering, one of the usual hours of prayer: and behold, in answer to my requests for divine direction and guidance, a man stood before me in bright clothing, an angel in a human form; and, addressing me, said, Cornelius, thy prayer is heard, and thine alms are had in remembrance in the sight of God: send therefore to Joppa, and call hither Simon, whose surname is Peter; he is lodged in the house of one Simon a tanner, by the sea-side, who, when he cometh, shall speak unto thee, and give thee the direction which thou art seeking. Immediately therefore, without delay, I sent to thee; and thou hast well done, that thou art come; we regard it as a singular kindness done to us, and doubt not but it will be highly pleasing to God. Now therefore are we all here present before God; met in his fear, hoping for his mercy, and expecting his special presence and blessing, seriously disposed to hear, and desirous to embrace and obey all things that are commanded thee of God, whom we with all reverence receive as a messenger expressly sent from him to lead us in the way of salvation. Note; (1.) The gospel then comes with effect, when those who sit under it shew solemn attention and seriousness, receiving it not as the word of man, but as the word of God. (2.) They who are sincere with God, desire to hear and know all his will; not merely what he promises, but what he commands, however displeasing it may be to flesh and blood.
4thly, St. Peter, on comparing his own vision with that which Cornelius related, was now fully persuaded of God's gracious designs toward the Gentiles; and therefore with great warmth of affection, delight, and earnestness, addressed this attentive auditory.
1. He expresses his full persuasion, notwithstanding all his former prejudices, that the Lord had now abolished all national distinctions, and designed that his gospel should indiscriminately be preached to Jews and Gentiles. Of a truth I perceive that God is no respecter of persons, on account of any external circumstances of birth, rank, or country; but in every nation, he that feareth him, and worketh righteousness, is accepted with him.—Not that we are to conceive that these are the foundation of acceptance before God: no: they are only the fruits of that faith which embraces the righteousness which is of God, (see my Annotations on this chapter, and on the Epistle to the Romans). The meaning of the apostle seems to be, That Gentiles, as well as Jews, though uncircumcised, were capable of partaking of God's favour, and their works were accepted through faith. Of this number Cornelius was one: and God in mercy therefore was now leading him into fuller discoveries of the truth as it is in Jesus.
2. He refers them to the reports which had been every where spread of the life, miracles, doctrines, death, and resurrection of Jesus. The word which God sent unto the children of Israel, preaching peace by Jesus Christ, the glad tidings of reconciliation with an offended God through him, (He is Lord of all, the self-existent Deity, God over all, and as Mediator incarnate invested with all power in heaven and earth)—that word, I say, ye know, which was published throughout all Judea, after the baptism which John preached, by Jesus himself and his disciples, the fame of which could not but have reached them; How God anointed Jesus of Nazareth with the Holy Ghost and with power, authorizing and enabling him to perform the most astonishing miracles in proof of his divine mission; who went about doing good to the bodies and souls of men, by his heavenly doctrine instructing them, and by his miracles of grace healing all that were oppressed of the devil, under whatever disease or torment, or corporal possession, they laboured: for God was with him, mightily supporting him, and testifying his high approbation of him. And we are witnesses of all things which he did both in the land of the Jews and in Jerusalem, having been his constant followers and disciples; whom they slew and hanged on a tree, a death the most painful and ignominious, in hatred of his pretensions as the promised Messiah, because he corresponded not with their carnal notions of his character and office: him God raised up the third day, to their confusion, and in testimony of his perfect satisfaction in this divine Redeemer's undertaking; and shewed him openly, after his resurrection; not to all the people, who had so obstinately rejected the clearest evidence of truth; but unto witnesses chosen before of God, even to us, who did eat and drink with him after he rose from the dead, and, from the fullest conviction of our senses, were assured of his resurrection, and were appointed by him to bear our testimony thereto. And he commanded us to preach unto the people, and to testify that it is he which was ordained of God to be the Judge of quick and dead, before whom all must appear, and give an account of the things done in the body. To him give all the prophets witness, from the beginning speaking of him as the great subject of their discourses, and pointing to him under various types and figures, that through his name, through his sacrifice and obedience unto death, whosoever believeth in him shall receive remission of sins, justified freely and fully from all his transgressions, whether he be Jew or Gentile. Note; (1.) The remission of sins is the first great gospel promise, and the door of admission to all the rest. (2.) If we believe that Jesus shall indeed shortly be our Judge, we cannot but be anxiously solicitous to secure an interest in his favour.
5thly, While these words were yet dropping from the apostle's lips, God himself appears, bearing witness to the gospel which Peter preached.
1. The Holy Ghost, in his miraculous gifts as well as gracious influences, fell on all them which heard the word, as on the disciples at the day of Pentecost; and they of the circumcision, which believed, were astonished, as many as came with Peter, because that on the Gentiles also was poured out the gift of the Holy Ghost, though they were neither circumcised nor baptized; for they heard them speak with tongues, and magnify God; like the other ministers of the gospel, they were equally qualified for that service, in which, probably, the Lord designed to employ the first-fruits of the Gentiles; and in the various languages which they spoke, adored God for the blessings of that redemption in Christ Jesus, of which they now were made partakers. Note; They who have received the Holy Ghost, cannot but desire to magnify God, seeking the divine glory in the exercise both of his gifts and graces.
2. St. Peter, no longer dubious, hesitates not to admit them into the church by the instituted rite of baptism. It would be highly absurd, for the most rigid Jewish Christian to object against admitting those to the sign and seal of the covenant, who had received the gifts and graces of the covenant. Can any man forbid water, that these should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we? The point was too clear to admit of a scruple; and therefore he commanded them to be baptized in the name of the Lord. Hence it appears evidently, that water-baptism is an ordinance to be used by those who are most clearly baptized with the Holy Ghost.
3. They entreated St. Peter to tarry certain days with them, that they might enjoy the edification and comfort of his farther ministrations. Note; (1.) They who have received a blessing under the discourse of a gospel minister, covet to hear more. (2.) The most advanced in gifts and graces are never to think themselves above attendance on the ministry of the word.