Assos, &c.— Assos was a principal town on the sea-coast of Asia, in Mysia. Mitylene, (Acts 20:14.) was a celebrated sea-port in the island of Lesbos. Chios (Acts 20:15.) was an island between Lesbos and Samos, famous for producing some of the finest Grecian wines. Samos was a celebrated island of the Archipelago, upon the court of Asia Minor. Trogyllium was a promontory of Iona, not far from Samos. Miletus was a town on the continent of Asia Minor, and in the province of Caria; memorable for being the birth-place of Thales, one of the seven wise men, and founder of the Ionic sect of philosophy: at present the place is called by the Turks Melas. Not far distant from it is the famous river Maeander, which, though it encircles the plains it runs through with innumerable mazes and windings, yet in some places rolls with a very rapid and impetuous current. St. Paul put into the mouth of this river in his course toward Miletus.

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