And also I have withholden the rain— These verses apparently refer to the withholding of those rains which filled their reservoirs of water for drinking; and our translators should have used the term dried up, as they did in translating the same word, Job 14:11 instead of withered. It is not to be supposed that their wheat harvest was delayed to the close of July. At present at Aleppo, barley harvest commences about the beginning of May, and the wheat harvest, as well as that, is generally over by the 20th. In Barbary it comes on at the latter end of May, or the beginning of June, according to the quality of the preceding seasons. Agreeably to this, Raimond de Agiles gives us to understand, that a great part of their harvest at Ramula was gathered in before the sixth of June in 1099, where he and the Christian army, having passed through Ramula in their way to Jerusalem, found most of the harvest ended.

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