And he is the head of the body— St. Paul had proved Christ's superiority to all the creatures, by his making and sustaining them; and now, by a third argument, he confirms his full authority over the church, and that is by God the Father's constitution and appointment at his resurrection. The insisting expressly upon this was agreeable to his grand design, to confirm the Colossians in their regard to Christ, being apprehensive that they were in some danger of being drawn off from him. The beginning here mentioned, (who is the beginning) is very different from that spoken of before; and yet this beginning, which is his resurrection, is plainly laid down as a foundation of the principality and headship which he holds over the church. He was the beginning, with respect to the creation of all things, being the Lord or first born of every creature; He is the beginning and head of the church, being the firstborn from the dead;—the first who ever rose to an endless life. 1 Corinthians 15:20; 1 Corinthians 15:23.Acts 26:23.Revelation 1:5. In all things, means in all respects; not only as the Maker of all things, but as the Mediator raised from the dead.

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