A shew of wisdom, in will-worship, "In performing some acts of voluntary and uncommanded zeal under the guise and affectation of uncommon devotion, in the worshipping of angels, and in austerities and extreme abstinences." The two last clauses may be transposed, as if it had been said, "It is to such a satisfying of the flesh, as does it no real honour;" a meiosis, to express what is dishonourable; whereas the highest honour of our bodies is to be the instruments of our souls in the service of God. It has been observed, that the word τιμη signifies provision, as well as honour; and then the sense will be, that, though there was no appearance of providing for the flesh, yet there was a carnal kind of satisfaction in these affected severities, when proceeding from the principles of vain-glory and ill-nature; which were as contrary to the genius of true religion, as any the grossest sensualities that could be imagined. Mr. Peirce gives the verse a different turn. According to him, the Apostle's meaning is, "Which things having indeed a shew of wisdom, in will-worship, (Colossians 2:18) and humility, and neglecting of the body, serve to the dishonourably gratifying persons of a fleshly or Jewish disposition."

Inferences.—Let us contemplate, with daily pleasure, the glorious effects of the death of our blessed Redeemer, by which the Mosaic law was abolished, the hand-writing of ordinances blotted out—that death, by which so glorious a victory over our spiritual enemies was obtained, by which the infernal principalities and powers were stripped of their trophies, and themselves exposed as an open spectacle. Let us improve this victory to all the glorious purposes for which it was intended. Let us, above all, consider it as an engagement to a life of exemplary holiness, especially as we ourselves circumcised with the circumcision of Christ; as by baptism we are solemnly engaged to mortify all irregular affections, and, being buried with Christ, to rise to all newness of life, having received the forgiveness of our sins, and being raised with Christ to the hope of eternal glory.

Let us then be solicitous ever to maintain the strictest union with Christ, as our Head, remembering how great an honour it is to be thus related to him, in whom dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily. Let us be careful, in virtue of this union, to live in the fellowship of Christian love with all the members of the body, and ourselves to grow with all the increase of God.
And let us guard against all those human traditions, and all those refinements of philosophical speculation, which are contrary or disagreeable to these elements of Christ into which we have been initiated; and against every thing which could be an infringement of that liberty which Christ has granted to his church, and which it is our duty to endeavour to maintain against all encroachments; even though they should be made by any in his name, and under the pretence of authority from him. It may be urged upon us as humility, to submit to such impositions; but it is the truest humility to maintain an exact obedience to the authority of our Divine Master, and to limit our submission even to those of our brethren whom we may most honour and love, by a regard to his command and institution. And if a due care is not taken in this respect, we may be deprived, at least in some degree, of our prize, by the methods whereby some may endeavour to persuade us that we shall most effectually secure it. May Divine Wisdom preserve us from all those vain deceits; whereby our faith might be corrupted, or our conformity to the plan of Christian institutions be rendered, in any respect, less pure, beautiful, and complete.

REFLECTIONS.—1st. Though the Apostle had no personal knowledge of the Colossians, the report that he had heard engaged his warmest affections towards them. For I would that ye knew what great conflict I have for you, how solicitous I am for your welfare, and wrestle earnestly with God in prayer on your behalf, and for them at Laodicea, and for as many as have not seen my face in the flesh: and this especially I ask of the Lord, that their hearts might be comforted under every trial, with those consolations which he bestows on his faithful people, being knit together in love to Christ and one another, and unto all riches of the full assurance of understanding, seeking to attain the most distinct and comprehensive knowledge of the gospel, with all its invaluable privileges, to the acknowledgment of the mystery of God, and of the Father, and of Christ; testifying the fullest approbation of that glorious scheme of salvation, which, though unknown before, is now revealed to the Gentiles, wherein God appears as their reconciled God and Father in Christ; in whom are hid all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge, for the use of his believing people, that he might so order all the dispensations of his Providence and grace, as most effectually to conduct those who cleave to him perseveringly till death, safe, amidst all their difficulties, to his eternal kingdom. Note; (1.) It is God's will that his believing people should be comforted; and for this his ministers should labour. (2.) Nothing tends more to cause our consolations to abound than the union of our hearts to Jesus, and to our brethren in love unfeigned. (3.) Whatever remaining ignorance be in us, or darkness surround our steps, he who hath all the treasures of wisdom, is the guide of the faithful; and he will lead them by the right way.

2nd, The Apostle felt the tenderest concern for them; and he testifies it by his jealousy over them.
1. He warns them against the seducing Judaizing teachers. And this I say, concerning my affection for you, and the all-sufficient wisdom of Jesus to direct you, lest, as Satan beguiled Eve through his subtilty, any man should beguile you with enticing words, perverting you from the simplicity of the gospel, under pretence of leading you to higher attainments. For though I be absent in the flesh, yet am I with you in the spirit; not only united to them in affection, but probably having some extraordinary discernment of their state from the Lord; joying and beholding your order and strict discipline, and the steadfastness of your faith in Christ, notwithstanding all the shocks of persecution, or the wiles of deceivers. As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, and made profession of your entire dependance upon him as your Prophet, Priest, and King; so walk ye in him, depending on the teachings of his word and Spirit, trusting on his atonement and infinite merit, and desirous to obey his holy will in all things; rooted and built up in him, and stablished in the faith, fixed on the rock of ages, and by faith growing up into him in all things, who is the head, even Christ, as ye have been taught in the gospel preached to you; abounding therein with thanksgiving, enriched with all the fulness of divine grace, and ceaseless in praise to the great Author of all your hopes and happiness. Beware, therefore, since ye have received the truth as it is in Jesus, lest any man spoil you of the inestimable treasure through philosophy and vain deceit, according to the corrupt systems of heathenism, misleading you from the purity of the gospel, after the tradition of men, whether of Judaizing teachers, or Gentile sages, after the rudiments of the world, those first elements, (στοιχεια) contained in the Mosaical oeconomy, or in the imaginary writings of the philosophers, and which are not after Christ, but tend to seduce the heart from him, to direct the soul to rest on something else for salvation, besides the great Atonement made by him, in whom dwelleth all the fulness of the Godhead bodily; all the divine perfections being, in their utmost fulness, perpetually resident in the person of the incarnate Jesus. Note; (1.) The discourse set off, with the most enticing words, must be brought to the test of God's revealed will; and if it correspond not therewith, whatever appearances of wisdom there may be, it is to be rejected with abhorrence. (2.) They who cleave to Christ shall be preserved from all dangerous delusion. (3.) He who is God as well as man in one Christ, must needs be able to save to the uttermost, and be the worthy object of our entire faith and dependance.

2. He mentions the salvation, of which, in Christ, they had been made partakers. And ye are complete in him, in virtue of your union with him, who is, in his mediatorial character, the head of all principality and power; all in heaven, earth, and hell, from the highest creature to the lowest, being made subject unto him. In whom also ye are circumcised with the circumcision, not that which is outward in the flesh, and now of no avail, but that made without hands, even the circumcision of the heart, evident in the putting off the body of the sins of the flesh, and mortifying the old man which is corrupt, with the affections and lusts, by the circumcision of Christ, which he is the author of, and by his Spirit effects in the hearts of his believing people: being buried with him in baptism, the ordinance which he has instituted superseding circumcision, and signifying to us our death unto sin, and new birth unto righteousness; wherein also ye are risen with him, quickened to newness of life, through the faith of the operation of God, who hath raised him from the dead; and will raise you, if faithful, to the enjoyment of the highest degrees of grace, and the full enjoyment of himself in glory. And you being dead in your sins, under the sentence of God's wrath, and separated from his favour, which is the true life of the soul, and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, serving divers lusts and pleasures, under the dominion of a corrupted nature, hath he quickened together with him, to a life of grace here, having forgiven you all trespasses, in virtue of the redemption of Jesus; blotting out the hand-writing of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, by his blood cancelling the debt, and abolishing the ceremonial law which separated Jews and Gentiles, and was the cause of enmity between them, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross, and rending it in pieces: and having spoiled principalities and powers, the apostate spirits of darkness, he made a shew of them openly, as their conqueror, triumphing over them in it, and redeeming all his faithful people thereby from their hateful dominion. How invaluable are the Christian privileges! how precious should he be to us who is the blessed author of them! (1.) Believers have the free and full remission of all their iniquities. (2.) The curse of the law is satisfied, and there is no condemnation to those who are in Christ Jesus.

3rdly, The Apostle, from the foregoing considerations, of the complete atonement which Christ had made for them, and the inestimable privileges and blessings awaiting them in consequence thereof, warns them against the Judaizing zealots.

Let no man therefore judge or condemn you in meat or in drink, or in respect of an holy day, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days, inculcating the necessity of observing these Jewish ceremonies, in order to salvation; which are a shadow of things to come; but the body is of Christ; since he who is the substance of them hath appeared, they are now abolished, and no longer obligatory. Let no man beguile you of your reward, or cheat you of the prize of your high calling in Christ Jesus, in a voluntary humility, leading you to a kind of abasement which the gospel never prescribed, and worshipping of angels, to the great dishonour of the one Mediator between God and man; intruding into those things which he hath not seen, vainly puffed up by his fleshly mind, falsely pretending to what he is ignorant of, and following the delusions of a heart eaten up with pride; and not holding the head, Christ Jesus, from which alone all the body of his church, by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together spiritually, as the members of the natural body are united to their common head, increaseth with the increase of God, in light, and love, and comfort, and holiness. Wherefore, if ye be dead with Christ, as your baptism intimated, from the rudiments of the world, and discharged from all obligation to the Mosaic oeconomy, why, as though living in the world, and still under the legal dispensation, are ye subject to ordinances, and obey the dogmatical decisions of Judaizing teachers, or heathen philosophers, who cry, Touch not, taste not, handle not, as if the Levitical law was still in force, and the distinction of meats and drinks to be scrupulously observed by Christians, or you should embrace the visionary ideas of pagan sages; which meats all are to perish with the using, passing through the body, and cannot defile the soul; and are now no longer enjoined of divine authority, but merely after the commandments and doctrines of men, by these Jewish zealots? Which things have indeed a shew of wisdom, and pass under the specious pretence of paying to God service, even of supererogation, in will-worship, and voluntary humility, which his word has never enjoined; and neglecting of the body, by affected austerities, not in any honour; these things are not of any value in the sight of God; but are to the satisfying of the flesh, serving only to foster man's pride, and to flatter him in a vain conceit of his own superior goodness. Note; They who affect to be wise above what is written, will only, in the issue, expose their own absurd pride and egregious folly.

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