Fine gold of Uphaz— If we compare this place with Jeremiah 10:9 and the reading of some of the versions, we shall probably be inclined to agree with Bochart and Calmet, that Ophir and Uphaz are the same. Origen on Job 22:24 observes, that some interpreters will have Sophir or Ophir to be Africa; and the ancient navigators touched upon it when they sailed from the Red Sea round the Cape of Good Hope, and returned by the Mediterranean. Mr. Bruce thinks Ophir to have been in Abyssinia, where the mines of Sofala now are, and that some part near this coast was called by Eupolemus in Eusebius Ophri, and also that Tarshish was on the same coast, nearer the Arabian Gulph, vol. i. c. 4. And in the Abyssinian Annals in vol. 2: he finds the name of Tarshish mentioned as one of the petty kingdoms in the neighbourhood of Adel, and which lay directly in the road from the Red Sea to Sofala or Ophir. See Bishop Lowth on Isaiah, chap. Daniel 2:13.

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