At the end of twelve months— God deferred the execution of his threats against this impious prince; he gave him a whole year to repent and return to him; but, seeing that he persevered in his crimes, the measure of his iniquities being full, he put his menaces in execution. See Calmet.

He walked in the palace As he was walking upon the palace. It is well known, that the roofs of the buildings in the East were flat or plain, over which the inhabitants used to walk for pleasure. "The palace of Koscam, (says Mr. Bruce, vol. 4: p. 271.) consists of a square tower of three stories, with a flat parapet roof or terrace, and battlements about it." But "the palace of Gondar and all its contiguous buildings are surrounded by a substantial stone wall thirty feet high, with battlements upon the outer wall, and a parapet roof between the outer and inner, by which you can go along the whole and look into the street: the four sides of this wall are above an English mile and half in length." Vol. 3: p. 380. In a situation like one of these was Nebuchadnezzar placed in the passage before us, in order to take a more full view of his city, and to enjoy the fresh air, according to Sir John Chardin, that is, to gratify his ease and pride; when he pronounced the following extravagant soliloquy.

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