Coke's Commentary on the Holy Bible
Daniel 4 - Introduction
Nebuchadnezzar confesseth God's kingdom, and maketh relation of his dream, which the magicians could not interpret. Daniel heareth the dream: he intrepreteth it. The history of the event.
Before Christ 570.
THIS chapter contains a decree of king Nebuchadnezzar's, and the reasons of it; the king had again dreamed, and was at a loss for the meaning of his dream. Daniel interprets it of the deprivation and recovery of his royal authority: after the completion, the king acknowledges the truth of the events, and praises and extols the God of heaven. There is a change of persons in the chapter, which may require some little attention to prevent ambiguity. The decree and the history are delivered in the words of Nebuchadnezzar; the interpretation of the dream in the words of Daniel, and the completion or conclusion again in the words of the king.