Ver. 12. A land which the Lord thy God careth for A land which the Lord, and not man, provideth for. The expressions in this verse are taken from the particular and extraordinary care of the husbandman, who, from the beginning of the year to the end, watches with a solicitous eye over his land, and takes every prudent and proper measure to render it fertile. Palestine was thus peculiarly under the eye of God, its increase or sterility arising immediately from him, as the people obeyed or disobeyed his commandments. This Houbigant would read in the future; a land which the Lord thy God will care for, and upon which his eyes shall always be; for, before the Israelites possessed Canaan, says he, the Lord did not regard that had more than Egypt: but there is nothing more common with the sacred writers, than to speak of the future in the present.

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